
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Studien zu den Epistulae ad Caesarem Senem de re publica1933/06/01
Initial sp and st in Hittite1928/03/01
Old French engan, English gun1928/12/01
The Development of the Indo-European Dental Groups1932/03/01
Afrikaanse Fonetiek1932/06/01
Die Laute des Ful1927/12/01
Esquisse d'une Histoire de la Langue Latine1929/03/01
Etymologisches Wörterbuch der europäischen (germanischen, romanischen und slavischen) Wörter orientalischen Ursprungs1928/09/01
Radical-Changing Verbs in Portuguese1934/06/01
An Irish Version of Innocent III's De Contemptu Mundi1932/06/01
Saka Studies1933/12/01
Le Mystère du Langage1927/06/01
Notes on 'Gray's Interpretation of the ie Personal Endings'1931/09/01
A 'Plantaire' in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary Taken from a French Manuscript of the XIVth Century: Introduction and Text1934/03/01
The Language of the Eighth Century Texts in Northern France1935/03/01
Die Annalen des Mursilis1934/09/01
Notes on Old Norse R1933/12/01
Oscan Deketasio- '*Decentarius'1927/06/01
The Ogham Genitive Singular in -AIS1929/12/01
Some Terms of Physics for Linguists1928/06/01
Festschrift der 57. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner in Salzburg vom 25. bis 29. September 1929 gewidmet1930/12/01
Altitalisches Wörterbuch1927/12/01
Die L-, R- und D-Laute in austronesischen Sprachen1927/09/01
A Bibliography of American Pronunciation 1888-19281929/09/01
Initial h before l, n, r in Old Icelandic: A Type of Associative Consonant Groups1927/09/01
Three Notes on the Gathas of the Avesta1928/06/01
The Parts of the Body in Hittite1928/06/01
Die hethitische Hieroglyphenschrift1933/09/01
Equational Clauses in Bengali1965/07/01
Note to Language 24.346-871949/10/01