
Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-Taking for Conversation1974/12/011,672
Verbal behavior1959/01/011,466
Cognitive Status and the Form of Referring Expressions in Discourse1993/06/01797
Regularity and Idiomaticity in Grammatical Constructions: The Case of Let Alone1988/09/01638
The Structure of a Semantic Theory1963/04/01574
The Preference for Self-Correction in the Organization of Repair in Conversation1977/06/01453
On the Rise of Epistemic Meanings in English: An Example of Subjectification in Semantic Change1989/03/01449
The Non-Anomalous Nature of Anomalous Utterances1971/03/01430
Quotations as Demonstrations1990/12/01429
Words and Sounds in Early Language Acquisition1975/06/01427
Contraction, Deletion, and Inherent Variability of the English Copula1969/12/01357
The Discourse Basis of Ergativity1987/12/01314
The Analysis of Linguistic Borrowing1950/04/01282
When Nouns Surface as Verbs1979/12/01278
Numerical Simulation of Vowel Quality Systems: The Role of Perceptual Contrast1972/12/01272
On the Creation and Use of English Compound Nouns1977/12/01247
The Status of Linguistics as a Science1929/12/01243
Response Cries1978/12/01240
Iconic and Economic Motivation1983/12/01231
Transitivity in Grammar and Discourse1980/06/01231
From Babbling to Speech: A Re-Assessment of the Continuity Issue1985/06/01228
Metalinguistic Negation and Pragmatic Ambiguity1985/03/01223
Constraints on Language Mixing: Intrasentential Code-Switching and Borrowing in Spanish/English1979/06/01216
Grammatical Constructions and Linguistic Generalizations: The What's X Doing Y? Construction1999/03/01213
Magnitude Estimation of Linguistic Acceptability1996/03/01213
The Measurement of Linguistic Diversity1956/01/01212
Cliticization vs. Inflection: English N'T1983/09/01204
Thematic Proto-Roles and Argument Selection1991/09/01203
The Full Competence Hypothesis of Clause Structure in Early German1993/03/01201