Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mathematical Structures of Space-Time1992/01/01German10
Gravitational Waves and Black Holes1997/01/01German10
The Schwinger Model on the Torus1997/01/01German10
Quantization of Spin-Two Field in Terms of Fierz Variables - The Linear Case -1992/01/01German9
Some Remarks on Variational Formulations of Physical Fields1988/01/01German9
Mesons in the Low-Energy Limit of QCDh1990/01/01German9
Coherent State Path Integral for the Harmonic Oscillator and a Spin Particle in a Constant Magnetic field1992/01/01German9
Quantum Chromodynamics in 1+3 Dimensions at High Temperature: Dimensional Reduction Revisited1989/01/01English9
Euclidean Majorana and Weyl Spinors1990/01/01German9
Path Integration and Separation of Variables in Spaces of Constant Curvature in Two and Three Dimensions1994/01/01German9
Topological Aspects of Chiral Fields in Two Dimensions and Superstring Vertices1992/01/01German8
Source Theory Treatment of the Casimir Effect: A Review1985/01/01German8
Finslerian Solution for Static Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Field1991/01/01English8
Relativistie Cosmology With Quantum Corrections1991/01/01English8
Investigation of an Open Quantum Mechanical System1988/01/01German8
Proof for Gauge Independence of the Energy-Momentum Tensor in Quantum Electrodynamics1997/01/01German8
Topological Aspects of the Berry Phase1996/01/01German8
Introduction to Conformal Field Theory1996/01/01German8
The Fourth-Order Non-Linear Sigma Models and Asymptotic Freedom in Four Dimensions1991/01/01English8
Studies of Coupled Anharmonic Oscillator Problem Using Coherent States and Path Integral Approaches1983/01/01German8
Study of W Boson in a Magnetic Field Based upon Both Mass Operator and Effective Potential1992/01/01German8
Measures for Fermionic Integration1987/01/01German8
Elementary Systems of (1 + 1) Kinematical Groups: Contraction and Quantization1997/01/01German7
Group Foundations of Quantum and Classical Dynamics : Towards a Globalization and Classification of Some of Their Structures1987/01/01German7
On the de Sitter Space-Time - the Geometric Foundation of Inflationary Cosmology1993/01/01German7
Quantum Tunneling in Time-Dependent Potential Barrier: a General Formulation and Some Exactly Solvable Models1991/01/01English7
Optical Theorem in Quantum electrodynamics with Unstable Vacuum1988/01/01German7
Quasiperiodie Solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation1987/01/01German7
Stationary Universe in General Relativity and Lyra's Geometry1994/01/01German7
Quarkonia in a Gluonic Background Field1992/01/01German7