Il Nuovo Cimento C

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The experiment OPERA for the mission Interball1990/01/01English
Grand-scale low-mass star formation in our Galaxy1990/01/01English
Micropulsation measurements at low latitudes1990/01/01English
Spacecraft Doppler tracking with a VLBI antenna1990/01/01English
ROSETTA and FIRST: Two cornerstone missions of ESA long-term space science programme1990/01/01English
Amorphous carbon and carbonaceous materials in space1990/01/01English
The contribution of IFSI (Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario) to the ISO Project1990/01/01English
The subharmonics of the 22-year solar cycle1990/01/01English
Magnetospheric physics research at IFSI/CNR1990/01/01English
Activities of Selenia Spazio1990/01/01English
Sagnac-type optical gyros1990/01/01English
Sensitivity of a weber-type resonant antenna to monochromatic gravitational waves1984/03/01English
Analysis of the managing conditions of a linear-collector network of a solar power plant1984/03/01English
Libri ricevuti e recensioni1984/03/01Italian
Stochastic space-time and the primary energy spectrum of cosmic rays atE 0≥1019 eV1985/09/01English
Nonlinear iterative retrieval of aerosol size distribution1985/09/01English
A linear investigation on separation in laminar and turbulent boundary layers over low hills and valleys1985/09/01English
Tidal activity in the middle atmosphere1985/09/01English
High-energy neutrino astronomy with «small» underground detectors1985/09/01English
Entropy flow in a two-component system with periodic geophysical inputs1985/09/01English
Influence of external tidal and meteorological forces on the bradyseismic phenomenon in the Phlegraean Fields1985/09/01English
Neutrino detection at large distances from accelerators1985/09/01English
Ripple damping on water surface covered by a spreading film: Theory and experiment1985/09/01English
Tracking of flare-generated interplanetary shock waves, responsible for Forbush decreases, by observing type-II radio bursts1984/03/01English
Analytical and numerical methods in the theory of random wave processes1984/03/01English
Thermal storage of solar energy as sensible heat at medium temperatures1984/03/01English
Time series variation analysis with Fourier vector amplitudes1984/03/01English
Barotropic (low-order) spectral-model flow inβ-plane1984/03/01English
Solar cycles in the last centuries in10Be and δ18O in polar ice and in thermoluminescence signals of a sea sediment1984/03/01English
Transient stefan flow and thermophoresis around an evaporating droplet1984/03/01English