Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Gardens, Kew)

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Tropical African Plants: XVI1937/01/014
Standard-Species of the Linnean Genera of Tetradynamia1925/01/014
Mundulea Fish Poison1936/01/014
Carob Tree. (Ceratonia Siliqua, L.)4
Tropical African Plants: I1927/01/014
The Structure of Some Sandalwoods and Their Substitutes and of Some Other Little Known Scented Woods1935/01/014
A Revised List of Gold Coast Fungi and Plant Diseases1940/01/014
Decades Kewenses. Plantarum Novarum in Herbario Horti Regii Conservatarum1907/01/014
The Koenig Collection in the Lund Herbarium1932/01/014
The Viability of Seeds1933/01/014
The British Species of Phomopsis1917/01/014
Plant Diseases: I. Tree Root-Rot. (Agaricus [Armillaria] melleus, Vahl.)4
Fungi Exotici. XXVI1922/01/014
Notes on Wild Cacao in Surinam and in British Guiana1930/01/014
Blister Disease of Fruit Trees1915/01/014
The Prickly-Fruited Species of Euonymus1908/01/014
Contributions to the Flora of Siam. Additamentum XVIII1926/01/013
Fungi Exotici, II3
Marica and Neomarica1928/01/013
The Grassland Vegetation of the Cameroons Mountain1932/01/013
Jeffersonia and Plagiorhegma1920/01/013
The Siamese Verbenaceae1938/01/013
The Correct Spelling of Certain Generic Names: III1928/01/013
Flora Capensis3
The Skin Spot Disease of Potato Tubers. (Oospora pustulans.)1919/01/013
The British Species of Cytospora1923/01/013
The Gentians of China1937/01/013
Some Additional Species of Meconopsis1915/01/013
The Banana in Some Tropical Eastern Countries: Its Forms and Variations1928/01/013
A Revision of the Genus Mendoncia1919/01/013