Journal of Combinatorial Theory

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Graphs and composite games1966/06/01English
On the number of orthogonal latin squares1970/04/01English
Excessive functions of continuous time Markov chains1967/10/01English
Sur la croissance du nombre de systèmes triples de Steiner non lsomorphes1970/06/01French
On Jacobi sums and difference sets1967/09/01English
Problèmes d'associativité: Une structure de treillis finis induite par une loi demi-associative1967/05/01French
Bounds assuring subsets in convex position1967/10/01English
Über die Nichtexistenz eines Knotenpunktes, durch den alle längsten Wege eines Graphen gehen1969/01/01German
On the order of the group of a planar map1966/01/01English
Subgraphs with prescribed valencies1970/06/01English
The Burnside algebra of a finite group1967/06/01English
Solution of the heawood map-coloring problem—Cases 3, 5, 6, and 91970/03/01English
On the Sperner lemma1967/06/01English
On the maximal triangle-free edge-chromatic graphs in three colors1968/07/01English
On the extreme points of a certain convex polytope1970/06/01English
Note on a theorem of Zaremba1969/03/01English
Common transversals and strong exchange systems1970/04/01English
On the number of certain lattice polygons1969/01/01English
A rank inequality for finite geometric lattices1970/12/01English
Wv paths on 3-polytopes1969/07/01English
Notes on plane partitions. II1968/01/01English
Quasi-symmetric balanced incomplete block designs1968/05/01English
Oriented subtrees of an arc digraph1967/12/01English
A characterization of idempotents in semigroups1968/12/01English
Solution of the Heawood map-coloring problem—case 111969/07/01English
Applications of the notion of independence to problems of combinatorial analysis1967/05/01English
Le problème des régions voisines sur les surfaces closes orientables1969/03/01French
Some results on λ-designs1970/06/01English
The determination of all λ-designs with λ=31970/06/01English