Journal de Physique I

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A cellular automaton model for freeway traffic1992/12/011,666
Continuum models of crystal growth from atomic beams with and without desorption1991/01/01576
Weak ergodicity breaking and aging in disordered systems1992/09/01562
Force Schemes in Simulations of Granular Materials1996/01/01377
Replica field theory for random manifolds1991/06/01250
Stock Market Crashes, Precursors and Replicas1996/01/01238
Non-Perturbative Many-Body Approach to the Hubbard Model and Single-Particle Pseudogap1997/11/01238
Ising-like model for the two-step spin-crossover1992/07/01202
Complex Critical Exponents from Renormalization Group Theory of Earthquakes: Implications for Earthquake Predictions1995/05/01199
Recipes for Metastable States in Spin Glasses1995/11/01169
Aging on Parisi's Tree1995/03/01163
On superluminal barrier traversal1992/09/01162
Magnetic Order and Disorder in the Frustrated Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet in Two Dimensions1996/05/01160
Off equilibrium dynamics and aging in unfrustrated systems1994/11/01148
From Minimal Models to Real Proteins: Time Scales for Protein Folding Kinetics1995/11/01136
Convergent Multiplicative Processes Repelled from Zero: Power Laws and Truncated Power Laws1997/03/01133
Phenomenological Study of Dynamical Model of Traffic Flow1995/11/01132
Surface dynamics below the roughening transition1993/01/01120
Scaling Behavior in Economics: I. Empirical Results for Company Growth1997/04/01114
A model for the dynamics of sandpile surfaces1994/10/01113
Structural Aspects of the Bechgaard Salts and Related Compounds1996/12/01111
Terrace sizes in molecular beam epitaxy1992/11/01108
The Black-Scholes option pricing problem in mathematical finance: generalization and extensions for a large class of stochastic processes1994/06/01106
Universal Log-Periodic Correction to Renormalization Group Scaling for Rupture Stress Prediction From Acoustic Emissions1995/06/01103
Rectified motion induced by ac forces in periodic structures1994/10/0199
Thouless-Anderson-Palmer Approach to the Spherical p-Spin Spin Glass Model1995/07/0196
Casimir force between partially transmitting mirrors1991/10/0194
Properties of Fermi liquids with a finite range interaction1992/04/0194
The Inorganic Spin-Peierls Compound CuGeO31996/12/0192
Nuclear relaxation and electronic correlations in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors. II. Experiments1993/01/0191