Duke Law Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rules versus Standards: An Economic Analysis1992/12/01237
Assessing Consensus: The Promise and Performance of Negotiated Rulemaking1997/04/01145
Forces and Mechanisms in the Constitution-Making Process1995/11/01131
Some Thoughts on "Deossifying" the Rulemaking Process1992/06/01102
By Force of Arms: Rape, War, and Military Culture1996/02/0168
Shades of Brown: The Law of Skin Color2000/04/0168
Rational Custom2002/12/0165
A Hair Piece: Perspectives on the Intersection of Race and Gender1991/04/0161
Legitimacy and the Empowerment of Discretionary Legal Authority: The United States Supreme Court and Abortion Rights1994/02/0160
Legal Complexity: Some Causes, Consequences, and Cures1992/10/0157
Toward a Theory of Copyright: The Metamorphoses of "Authorship"1991/04/0157
A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net?1997/10/0151
Theories of the Corporation1990/04/0147
The Marketplace of Ideas: A Legitimizing Myth1984/02/0147
Do Adolescent Smokers Know the Risks?1998/04/0145
Fairness Opinions: How Fair Are They and What Can Be Done about It?1989/02/0144
If He Hollers Let Him Go: Regulating Racist Speech on Campus1990/06/0143
Wrong Turn in Cyberspace: Using ICANN to Route around the APA and the Constitution2000/10/0143
An Economic Analysis of the Criminal Law as a Preference-Shaping Policy1990/02/0136
Complexity Theory as a Paradigm for the Dynamical Law-and-Society System: A Wake-Up Call for Legal Reductionism and the Modern Administrative State1996/03/0134
Judicial Deference to Administrative Interpretations of Law1989/06/0134
Beyond Metaphor: An Analysis of Fiduciary Obligation1988/11/0133
Obscuring the Importance of Race: The Implication of Making Comparisons between Racism and Sexism (Or Other -Isms)1991/04/0131
To the Chevron Station: An Empirical Study of Federal Administrative Law1990/11/0131
The Effectiveness of State and Local Regulation of Handguns: A Statistical Analysis1969/08/0131
Occupation of the Womb: Forced Impregnation as Genocide1996/10/0130
ICANN and the Problem of Legitimacy2000/10/0130
The Power of Language: Presentational Style in the Courtroom1979/01/0129
Why the Law Hates Speculators: Regulation and Private Ordering in the Market for OTC Derivatives1999/02/0128