Western Folklore

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Balut: "Fertilized Duck Eggs and Their Role in Filipino Culture"2002/01/018
Dismantling Local Culture1993/04/018
Embracing Doomsday: Faith, Fatalism, and Apocalyptic Beliefs in the Nuclear Age1996/01/018
Occupational Folklife: A Theoretical Hypothesis1978/07/018
Feminist Theory and the Study of Folklore: A Twenty-Year Trajectory toward Theory1993/04/018
The Devil-Worshippers at the Prom: Rumor-Panic as Therapeutic Magic1990/01/018
Auschwitz Jokes1983/10/017
Prison Nicknames1967/01/017
Rodeo: From Custom to Ritual1989/07/017
The NASA Joke Cycle: The Astronauts and the Teacher1986/10/017
The Nationalization and Internationalization of Folklore: The Case of Schoolcraft's "Gitshee Gauzinee"1993/04/017
The Dead Baby Joke Cycle1979/07/017
The People of the Joke: On the Conceptualization of a Jewish Humor1983/10/017
Playing with Fear: Interpreting the Adolescent Legend Trip1994/07/017
A Formal Analysis of Game Meaning1959/01/017
Playfighting as Folkplay amongst Preschool Children1988/07/017
Tensions in Proverbs: More Light on International Understanding1956/07/017
The Moral Content of Tradition: Homecraft, Ethnology, and Swedish Life in the Twentieth Century2000/01/017
Tending Bar at Brown's: Occupational Role as Artistic Performance1976/04/016
"No Tickee, No Washee": Subtleties of a Proverbial Slur1996/01/016
Desire and Discontent in Japanese Lullabies1989/04/016
Ventriloquist Folklore: Who Speaks for Representation?1993/04/016
African American Diversity and the Study of Folklore1993/04/016
Derisive Ethnic Names1963/07/016
"Vagina Dentata" and "Incurable Venereal Disease" Legends from the Viet Nam War1980/10/016
Halloween in America: Contemporary Customs and Performances1983/01/016
Welcome to the World of AIDS: Fantasies of Female Revenge1987/07/016
Apocalypse in Your In-Box: End-Times Communication on the Internet1997/01/016