Columbia Law Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Corporate Law and Social Norms1999/06/0142
Social Change and the Law of Industrial Accidents1967/01/0142
The Mandatory Structure of Corporate Law1989/11/0141
Our Localism: Part II--Localism and Legal Theory1990/03/0140
The Lost Century of American Immigration Law (1776-1875)1993/12/0140
Legal Hybrids between the Patent and Copyright Paradigms1994/12/0140
Regulating through Information: Disclosure Laws and American Health Care1999/11/0140
Some Theoretical Aspects of Share Voting. An Essay in Honor of Adolf A. Berle1964/12/0140
Executives and Hedging: The Fragile Legal Foundation of Incentive Compatibility2000/03/0139
The Ossification of American Labor Law2002/10/0139
Diversity's Distractions2003/10/0138
Lochner's Legacy1987/06/0137
Employment at Will vs. Individual Freedom: On Limiting the Abusive Exercise of Employer Power1967/12/0136
The Place of Agencies in Government: Separation of Powers and the Fourth Branch1984/04/0136
Inalienability and the Theory of Property Rights1985/06/0136
Criminal Law Defenses: A Systematic Analysis1982/03/0136
The Transformation of Immigration Law1984/01/0136
Regulating the Market for Corporate Control: A Critical Assessment of the Tender Offer's Role in Corporate Governance1984/06/0136
The President and the Administration1994/01/0136
The Constitution as an Institution1934/01/0135
Character Evidence and the Object of Trial2001/10/0135
Privatization as Delegation2003/10/0135
Environmental Liability and the Limits of Insurance1988/06/0134
The Evolutionary Tradition in Jurisprudence1985/01/0134
A Voluntary Tax? New Perspectives on Sophisticated Estate Tax Avoidance1977/03/0134
The "Higher Criticism" of the Modern Corporation1962/03/0133
Econometrics in the Courtroom1985/06/0133
Consideration and Form1941/05/0133
Democratic Legitimacy and the Administrative Character of Supranationalism: The Example of the European Community1999/04/0132
The Perverse Law of Child Pornography2001/03/0132