British Dental Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Artificial intelligence in dentistry2023/08/11English
Smile solutions: unravelling dental anomalies in cleft patients for optimal oral care2023/08/11English
Maslow's hierarchy of need pyramid - a model for planning NHS dental services?2023/08/11English
How real is reported 'antibiotic allergy'?2023/08/11English
Patient information via apps2023/08/11English
A 12-week lead time - spread the word!2023/08/11English
Get in touch with the team today2023/08/11English
Dimple piercings: a concerning trend2023/08/11English
Professor Barry Quinn receives special award for Liverpool recognition2023/08/11English
Engaging with the SDGs2023/08/11English
An odyssey of odontogenic aberrations2023/08/11English
A learning experience in acquired haemophilia2023/08/11English
Prescribing antibiotics for children2023/08/11English
Maximise your patients' range of motion2023/08/11English
Is your practice prepared for a mercury leak?2023/08/11English
Treatment planning for patients with tooth wear2023/08/11English
World record attempt planned to raise awareness about clefts2023/08/11English
X-ray artifacts - puff or bluff?2023/08/11English
Expert view: Janine Brooks2023/08/11English
Author Q&A: Siyang Yuan2023/08/11English
Stick your teeth into braces2023/08/11English
BSPD announce award winners2023/08/11English
Dental Schools Council welcomes NHS Long Term Workforce Plan2023/08/11English
BDJ publishes Recruitment and Retention Crisis collection2023/08/11English
Honesty, trust and integrity2023/08/11English
Expansive advice2023/08/11English
SDF in radiation-induced caries2023/08/11English
Diversionary tactics2023/08/11English
Software company launches remote group compliance manager service2023/08/11English
Value of including loupes in prosthodontic and endodontic components of dental degrees: a systematic review2023/08/09English