Atmospheric Environment (1967)

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sensitivity of the Gaussian plume model1975/05/01English
On estimating air pollution concentrations from a highway in an oblique wind1973/09/01English
Instrument development1970/05/01English
Canadian urban air quality, 1971–19751978/01/01English
Copper in the environment, Part II Ecological Impacts1982/01/01English
Lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic in the environment, scope 311988/01/01English
Environmental Chemistry1978/01/01English
A method for recovering the true scattering coefficient from the apparent one measured in fog1980/01/01English
Author's reply1972/09/01English
Author's reply1971/01/01English
New equipment1971/10/01English
Chemistry of the natural atmosphere1988/01/01English
Verification of a three-dimensional transport model using tetroon data from project state1981/01/01English
Authors' reply1984/01/01English
Kenneth T. Whitby (1925–1983)1984/01/01English
Gradient measurements of sulfur and soil mass dry deposition rates under clean air and high wind speed conditions1987/01/01English
High collection efficiency of the aerotec-3 cyclone for submicron particles1971/03/01English
Recent titles of interest journal articles1989/01/01English
Halocarbons, environmental effects of chlorofluoromethane release. Report of the committee on impacts of stratospheric change1977/01/01English
Planning aspects of cooling towers1974/04/01English
The kinetics of oxidation of sulphur dioxide within the plume from a sulphide smelter in a remote region1979/01/01English
On the non-randomness of high pollution days1983/01/01English
4678726 Multicell electric storage battery with combined means for wastegas drying and flame-protection1987/01/01English
Possible influence of SO2 deposition on to a forest on the ground level concentration calculated by short range dispersion models1980/01/01English
Authors' reply1987/01/01English
Comment on wind tunnel simulation of large-scale horizontal wind oscillations1967/09/01English
Occupational exposure limits for airborne toxic substances1978/01/01English
Atmospheric biogenic hydrocarbons1983/01/01English