Nuclear Instruments

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A transistorized radiation monitor1957/05/01English
Progress in low temperature physics1957/05/01English
Pulse-lengthener circuits1957/03/01English
The vertical motion of particles through the regenerative beam extractor of a synchrocyclotron1957/12/01English
Author index1957/12/01English
The pretoria cyclotron1958/12/01English
Determination of the masses and momenta of charged particles from multiple scattering measurements in a propane bubble chamber1958/11/01English
News item1958/11/01English
Subject index1958/12/01English
Continuous scanning in two directions of the ion beam in an electromagnetic isotope separator1957/05/01English
Temperature coefficients of scintillating systems1957/03/01English
A printed distributed amplifier1957/12/01English
Hodoscope system for experiments on the scattering of cosmic ray μ-mesons1958/11/01English
A nuclear method for determining very low vapor pressures1958/12/01English
An apparatus for measuring the speed of pneumatically transported grains by means of radioactivity1957/03/01English
A very fast pulse-height analyser with independent uptake, sorting and storage of information1957/03/01English
The physics of nuclear reactors1957/03/01English
Function of the collecting electrode in a Van de Graaf generator1958/12/01English
Le test des blocs de l'electro-aimant du synchrotron de Saclay1957/05/01English
Ein besonders einfacher stromstabilisator höchster qualität für elektromagnete1958/11/01German
Photofission in fission chambers1958/12/01English
Read-out system for the Hutchinson-Scarrott analyzer1958/11/01English
Focusing of the synchroton scattered-out beam1957/12/01English
Electronic apparatus for the measurement of dynamic magnetic fields1958/11/01English
Author index1958/12/01English
Device for thermal control of liquid hydrogen bubble chambers1958/11/01English
A target box for bombardment of CF4 in gaseous or solid form1957/03/01English
60° sector type electromagnetic isotope separator in the Institute of Nuclear Sciences — Belgrade1958/11/01English
Efficient detector for high energy neutrons1957/12/01English
Die blasendichte in einer blasenkammer unter verschiedenen betriebsbedingungen1957/12/01English