Journal de Physique Lettres

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Density of states on fractals : « fractons »1982/01/011,615
Ferroelectric liquid crystals1975/01/011,264
Superconductivity in a synthetic organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF 61980/01/011,090
Random walks on fractal structures and percolation clusters1983/01/01710
On a relation between percolation theory and the elasticity of gels1976/01/01480
Collapse of a polymer chain in poor solvents1975/01/01460
Statistics of « starburst » polymers1983/01/01414
On the stability of the quasi-onedimensional metallic phase in magnetic fields against the spin density wave formation1984/01/01342
A random fuse model for breaking processes1985/01/01294
Accurate critical exponents from the ε-expansion1985/01/01293
The fractal nature of a diffusion front and the relation to percolation1985/01/01253
Explanation of the large spin-dependent recombination effect in semiconductors1978/01/01227
Stability and fluctuations of a spatially periodic convective flow1979/01/01220
Stability of the spin density wave phases in (TMTSF)2ClO4 : quantized nesting effect1984/01/01209
Information storage and retrieval in spin-glass like neural networks1985/01/01208
6-dimensional properties of Al0.86Mn0.14 alloy1985/01/01195
Competing structural orderings and transitions to glass in mixed crystals of Rb1-x(NH4)xH 2PO41982/01/01189
Principles of a classification of defects in ordered media1976/01/01188
Kinetics of collapse for a flexible coil1985/01/01182
Transfer matrix calculation of conductivity in three-dimensional random resistor networks at percolation threshold1983/01/01177
A tentative description of the crystallography of amorphous solids1979/01/01174
Commensurate-incommensurate transition with frozen impurities1982/01/01163
Evidence for a Peierls transition in the blue bronzes K0.30MoO 3 and Rb0.30MoO31983/01/01162
Structure of a disk-like mesophase1979/01/01162
Chemically limited versus diffusion limited aggregation1984/01/01161
Bond orientational order model for smectic B liquid crystals1978/01/01148
Flory exponents for generalized polymer problems1980/01/01147
Phasmids : a new class of liquid crystals1985/01/01142
Electron collection radius of an electrostatic probe immersed in a low-pressure plasma1981/01/01138
Emergence of a periodic mode in the so-called turbulent region in a circular Couette flow1982/01/01136