Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Anomaly polynomial of general 6D SCFTs2014/10/28English81
The continuum discretized coupled-channels method and its applications2012/09/17English79
The Taiji program: A concise overview2020/07/24English77
Energy–momentum tensor from the Yang–Mills gradient flow2013/08/01English75
Comprehensive analysis of the wave function of a hadronic resonance and its compositeness2015/06/22English73
Physics potentials with the second Hyper-Kamiokande detector in Korea2018/06/01English73
Probing cosmic inflation with theLiteBIRDcosmic microwave background polarization survey2022/11/21English71
Entanglement of local operators in large-N conformal field theories2014/09/22English68
Construction of KAGRA: an underground gravitational-wave observatory2018/01/01English67
Overview of KAGRA: Calibration, detector characterization, physical environmental monitors, and the geophysics interferometer2021/02/22English67
Yukawa conformal field theories and emergent supersymmetry2016/11/10English66
Pre-DECIGO can get the smoking gun to decide the astrophysical or cosmological origin of GW150914-like binary black holes2016/09/01English66
COMET Phase-I technical design report2020/03/01English63
Lattice energy-momentum tensor from the Yang-Mills gradient flow--inclusion of fermion fields2014/06/05English62
Black hole ringdown echoes and howls2017/07/01English61
Can an off-axis gamma-ray burst jet in GW170817 explain all the electromagnetic counterparts?2018/04/01English61
Core-collapse supernovae as supercomputing science: A status report toward six-dimensional simulations with exact Boltzmann neutrino transport in full general relativity2012/01/01English60
Quantum Monte Carlo approaches to nuclear and atomic physics2012/01/01English57
Lattice quantum chromodynamical approach to nuclear physics2012/09/13English55
Possible existence of viable models of bi-gravity with detectable graviton oscillations by gravitational wave detectors2014/04/02English52
Beta-gamma spectroscopy at RIBF2012/01/01English52
Simultaneous determination of the cosmic birefringence and miscalibrated polarization angles from CMB experiments2019/08/01English52
Spin distribution of primordial black holes2017/08/01English52
Modular $S_3$-invariant flavor model in SU(5) grand unified theory2020/05/01English51
Long-term dynamics of cosmological axion strings2018/09/01English48
Complex-scaling calculation of three-body resonances using complex-range Gaussian basis functions: Application to 3α resonances in 12C2013/07/01English48
Can we explain AMS-02 antiproton and positron excesses simultaneously by nearby supernovae without pulsars or dark matter?2016/02/01English48
The partition function of ABJ theory2013/05/01English47
Non-invertible topological defects in 4-dimensional $\mathbb {Z}_2$ pure lattice gauge theory2021/11/13English47
Global inconsistency, ’t Hooft anomaly, and level crossing in quantum mechanics2017/11/01English45