World Development Perspectives

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the way to restore Guatemala’s degraded lands: Creating governance conditions2016/12/01English6
Climate and farmers’ willingness to pay for improved irrigation water supply2020/12/01English6
Linking crop and livestock diversification to household nutrition: Evidence from Guruve and Mt Darwin districts, Zimbabwe2019/06/01English6
The employment impact of microcredit program participation in Bangladesh: Evidence from a longitudinal household survey2019/03/01English6
The enabling environment for household solar adoption: A systematic review2021/03/01English6
Engaging youth in conversations about community and forests: Methodological reflections from Asia, Africa, and the Americas2019/12/01English6
Multi-stakeholder platforms: Institutional options to achieve water security in the awash basin of Ethiopia2020/09/01English6
The impact of COVID-19 on the living and survival conditions of internally displaced persons in Burkina Faso2022/03/01English6
Assessing nuanced social networks and its implication for climate change adaptation in northwestern Ghana2022/03/01English6
On the power and influence of the cooperative institution: Does it secure competitive producer prices?2018/03/01English6
Uptake and resistance: The rural poor and user-pays agricultural extension in Malawi2018/03/01English6
The impact of human and physical capital accumulation on Chinese growth after 1994: A spatial econometric approach2016/06/01English6
Securing safe food, order in cities and protected urban livelihoods: Modelling of preference for regulations of informal street food trade in Kumasi2016/09/01English6
Health care financing and sustainability: A study of current conceptual dialectics in Ghana2017/03/01English6
Designing interventions in local value chains for improved health and nutrition: Insights from Malawi2019/12/01English6
Dynamics of multi-stakeholder engagement and its role in achieving high compliance of a tobacco control programme2016/09/01English6
Regional differences in behaviors, attitudes, and motivations related to performance among women-owned microenterprises in Vietnam2016/06/01English6
The mobile money’s poverty-reducing promise: Evidence from Cambodia2021/06/01English6
The making of resource frontier spaces in the Congo Basin and Southeast Asia: A critical analysis of narratives, actors and drivers in the scientific literature2022/09/01English6
From distress migration to selective migration: Transformative effects of agricultural development on seasonal migration2023/03/01English6
The burdens and the benefits: Socio-economic impacts of mobile phone ownership in Tanzania2021/03/01English5
Dissemination and perception of adaptation co-benefits: Insights from the coastal area of Bangladesh2020/12/01English5
Citizen participation dilemmas in water governance: An empirical case of Kumasi, Ghana2020/12/01English5
Is there any interaction effect of mothers’ education and their bargaining power on children’s nutritional status? Evidence from rural Bangladesh2020/06/01English5
Gender and intergenerational challenges to Women’s economic empowerment initiatives in Rwanda2021/09/01English5
A comparative measure of inclusive urbanisation in the cities of Africa2021/06/01English5
Understanding gender differences on the choices of a portfolio of climate-smart agricultural practices in sub-saharan Africa2023/03/01English5
Mobile phones, leadership and gender in rural business groups2021/12/01English5
Rural livelihood trajectories in the central Brazilian Amazon: Growing inequalities, changing practices, and emerging rural-urban relationships over nearly a decade2018/06/01English5
What matters more for child health: A father’s education or mother’s education?2018/06/01English5