World Development Perspectives

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Political ecology of climate change: Shifting orchards and a temporary landscape of opportunity2017/06/01English11
Determinants of loan repayment performance among borrowers of microfinance institutions: Evidence from India2016/03/01English11
Entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship and SMEs in developing economies: How subverting terminology sustains flawed policy2018/03/01English11
Future prospects of Ziziphus mauritiana in alleviating household food insecurity and illnesses in arid and semi-arid areas: A review2017/03/01English11
Multidimensional poverty of pastoralists and implications for policy in Boorana rangeland system, Southern Ethiopia2021/03/01English10
Fires in exotic forest plantations of Zimbabwe: Causes and management strategies2018/03/01English10
Household resilience among fish value chain actors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malawi2022/06/01English10
When climate change is not psychologically distant – Factors influencing the acceptance of sustainable farming practices in the Mekong river Delta of Vietnam2020/06/01English10
The forgotten coal: Charcoal demand in sub-Saharan Africa2022/03/01English10
The joint effects of terrorism and land access on livestock production decisions: Evidence from northern Nigeria2022/09/01English10
Poverty dynamics in Indonesia: empirical evidence from three main approaches2021/09/01English10
Addressing gendered varietal and trait preferences in West African maize2020/12/01English10
Vulnerability mapping: A conceptual framework towards a context-based approach to women’s empowerment2020/12/01English10
Community wellbeing: The impacts of inequality, racism and environment on a Brazilian coastal slum2019/03/01English10
Household vulnerability as expected poverty in Vietnam2018/06/01English10
Information acquisition and the adoption of a new rice variety towards the development of sustainable agriculture in rural villages in Central Vietnam2020/12/01English9
Social protection in Ghana and Kenya through an inclusive development Lens. Complex effects and risks2020/03/01English9
Muir and Pinchot in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca: Governance of forest management and forest recovery in Pueblos Mancomunados2016/12/01English9
Interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals2022/03/01English9
There is no economic case for new coal plants in India2021/12/01English9
Endogeneity in water use behaviour across case studies of household water treatment adoption in developing countries2022/03/01English9
Impact of oil palm-related activities on women’s empowerment in Ghana2020/09/01English9
What drives Pakistan’s coal-fired power plant construction boom? Understanding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s energy portfolio2022/03/01English8
Children’s vulnerability to natural disasters: Evidence from natural experiments in Bangladesh2020/09/01English8
Index-based weather insurance for perennial crops: A case study on insurance supply and demand for cocoa farmers in Ghana2020/12/01English8
Evaluating producer preferences and information processing strategies for drought risk management tools in Bangladesh2019/09/01English8
Recognizing the dynamics of household water insecurity in the rapidly changing polar north: Expected uncertainties in access, quality, and consumption patterns in Niugtaq (Newtok), Alaska2019/12/01English8
Women’s approach to farming in the context of feminization of agriculture: A case study from the middle hills of Nepal2020/12/01English8
Relationship between community capitals and governance: The perspective of local actors in the Maya Biosphere Reserve2021/03/01English8
Social entrepreneurship tackling poverty in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan2017/03/01English8