Archive of Applied Mechanics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mixed convective heat and mass transfer in a non-Newtonian fluid at a peristaltic surface with temperature-dependent viscosity2007/10/26English81
Multimode vibration control using several piezoelectric transducers shunted with a multiterminal network2008/09/06English80
Theory and computation of higher gradient elasticity theories based on action principles2017/06/05English78
Nonlinear dynamic response of axially moving, stretched viscoelastic strings2010/06/18English77
A unified Chebyshev–Ritz formulation for vibration analysis of composite laminated deep open shells with arbitrary boundary conditions2013/12/21English77
Small-scale effects on the buckling of quadrilateral nanoplates based on nonlocal elasticity theory using the Galerkin method2010/08/25English76
A series solution for the in-plane vibration analysis of orthotropic rectangular plates with non-uniform elastic boundary constraints and internal line supports2014/07/26English75
Suggestion of a new dimensionless number for dynamic plastic response of beams and plates1998/08/1873
A multiscale model for magneto-elastic behaviour including hysteresis effects2014/05/17English73
Wave propagation in thermally conducting linear fibre-reinforced composite materials2006/02/15English72
Fractional order theory in thermoelastic solid with three-phase lag heat transfer2011/08/09English72
Size-dependent free vibration analysis of composite laminated Timoshenko beam based on new modified couple stress theory2012/08/04English71
A variational approach for the deformation of a saturated porous solid. A second-gradient theory extending Terzaghi's effective stress principle2000/06/2071
Approximation of random microstructures by periodic statistically similar representative volume elements based on lineal-path functions2010/07/24English70
Polygonalization of railway wheels1999/03/2670
Receptance behaviour of railway track and subgrade1998/08/1870
Thermal buckling and post-buckling response of imperfect temperature-dependent sandwich FGM plates resting on elastic foundation2011/12/15English69
A new material model for concrete in high-dynamic hydrocode simulations2000/08/2568
Subharmonic dynamics of an axially accelerating beam2012/01/26English68
Nonlinear vibration and dynamic stability analysis of rotor-blade system with nonlinear supports2019/02/07English67
Differential transform vibration and modal stress analyses of circular plates made of two-directional functionally graded materials resting on elastic foundations2010/11/17English66
Vibration analysis of cracked plates using the extended finite element method2008/04/10English66
Stress analysis of a functional graded material plate with a circular hole2009/07/28English65
Hill condition and overall properties of composites1998/07/2365
Acceleration waves and ellipticity in thermoelastic micropolar media2009/03/21English64
Invariant formulation of the electromechanical enthalpy function of transversely isotropic piezoelectric materials2004/03/0164
Axisymmetric frictionless contact of functionally graded materials2007/08/01English64
Low-dimensional chaotic response of axially accelerating continuum in the supercritical regime1998/04/1764
Dynamics and stability of turbocharger rotors2009/08/28English63
Thermo-mechanical nonlinear dynamics of a buckled axially moving beam2012/03/22English62