Child Psychiatry & Human Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Psychometric Properties of the Obsessive Compulsive Inventory: Child Version in Children and Adolescents with Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder2012/06/19English44
Heart Rate and Treatment Effect in Children with Disruptive Behavior Disorders2007/12/06English44
A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to the Study of Stress and Psychological Adjustment in Emerging Adults2008/05/01English44
Anxiety Disorders and Comorbid Sleep Problems in School-Aged Youth: Review and Future Research Directions2014/06/25English44
Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Predict Depressive Symptom Trajectory from Early to Middle Adolescence2019/01/28English43
Familial Risk Factors for the Development of Somatoform Symptoms and Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review2011/05/26English43
Childhood Predictors of Anxiety Symptoms: A Longitudinal Study2005/12/01English43
Is Cyberbullying Related to Trait or State Anger?2014/08/01English42
Associations Between Parental Attachment and Course of Depression Between Adolescence and Young Adulthood2014/10/16English42
One-Year Follow-up of Family versus Child CBT for Anxiety Disorders: Exploring the Roles of Child Age and Parental Intrusiveness2009/01/23English42
Associations Between Effortful Control, Psychological Control and Proactive and Reactive Aggression2011/06/14English41
The Moderating Role of Father’s Care on the Onset of Binge Eating Symptoms Among Female Late Adolescents with Insecure Attachment2011/11/11English41
Relationships Among Parents’ Economic Stress, Parenting, and Young Children’s Behavior Problems2014/02/06English41
Adolescent-Onset Depression: Are Obesity and Inflammation Developmental Mechanisms or Outcomes?2015/02/10English40
Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Children and Adolescents in Central Kenya2018/01/31English40
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED): A Community-Based Study2012/09/09English40
Academic Stress in the Final Years of School: A Systematic Literature Review2020/03/16English40
Pathways to Anxiety: Contributions of Attachment History, Temperament, Peer Competence, and Ability to Manage Intense Emotions2012/11/23English40
Can Emotional Language Skills be Taught During Parent Training for Conduct Problem Children?2009/04/17English40
The Relation of Parental Emotion Dysregulation to Children’s Psychopathology Symptoms: The Moderating Role of Child Emotion Dysregulation2012/12/18English40
Mother–Child Attachment Patterns and Different Types of Anxiety Symptoms: Is There Specificity of Relations?2010/07/20English40
A Double-blind Placebo Controlled Trial of Piracetam Added to Risperidone in Patients with Autistic Disorder2007/10/11English39
Perceived Maternal and Paternal Psychological Control: Relations to Adolescent Anxiety Through Deficits in Emotion Regulation2013/12/04English39
Implicit Theories Relate to Youth Psychopathology, But How? A Longitudinal Test of Two Predictive Models2015/10/06English39
Community-Based Prevalence of Externalizing and Internalizing Disorders among School-Aged Children and Adolescents in Four Geographically Dispersed School Districts in the United States2020/07/30English39
The Diagnostic Utility of Behavioral Checklists in Identifying Children with ADHD and Children with Working Memory Deficits2009/03/12English39
Effects of Zinc and Ferritin Levels on Parent and Teacher Reported Symptom Scores in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder2010/03/18English39
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Dimensions and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms in Relation to College Students’ Sleep Functioning2014/02/11English39
The ‘At-Risk Mental State’ for Psychosis in Adolescents: Clinical Presentation, Transition and Remission2013/04/14English39
Children’s Peer Victimization, Empathy, and Emotional Symptoms2009/07/31English38