Czechoslovak Journal of Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the diffusion-driven growth: The perturbed sphere problem revisited1992/06/01English
An ohmic heating circuit for the CASTOR tokamak1990/06/01English
A non-relativistic model of two-particle decay1987/04/01English
A non-relativistic model of two-particle decay III. The pole approximation1988/06/01English
Chromoelectric and chromomagnetic effects in the confinement of gluons1990/03/01English
Über die an „Schwachen“ Grenzflächen Entstehenden Kopfwellen1959/01/01German
Description of primary creep by means of the stochastic model1985/03/01English
The second virial coefficient of quadrupolar dumbells1987/11/01English
The comparison of reactive ion etching and plasma etching in a parallel-plate reactor1988/03/01English
Cross section for 160° elastic scattering of 1.4–2.4 MeV protons from nitrogen and titanium1991/10/01English
Detection sensitivity of track detector kodak LR 115 to alpha particle energy and irradiation angle1982/03/01English
Curvature vs. Thickness in quantum waveguides1991/11/01English
The choice of spectroscopic scheme in x-ray plasma diagnostics1990/10/01English
The quantum efficiency of the internal photo-electric effect in indium antimonide1959/01/01English
Generalized Preisach model of hysteresis — theory and experiment1990/01/01English
Grassmann functional Schrödinger description for Fermions1979/03/01English
The theory of the impurity Auger spectrum: The generalized Wolff-Clogston model1982/01/01English
Ховый метод измерени я коэфициента отражния1959/01/01
A theory of electrical conductivity in metallic glasses1978/06/01English
Effects of covalency on magnetic properties of tetrahedral V4+ ion in garnets1978/06/01English
The effect of the magnetic field on the positive corona discharge1977/04/01English
Nuclear structure in the light of QCD1986/03/01English
100 GW pulsed iodine photodissociation laser system PERUN I1988/12/01English
Refractive index of arsenic trisulphide1981/10/01English
Fluorescence decays and lifetimes of Nd3+, Ce3+ and Cr3+ in YAG1988/07/01English
Energy dependences of several reactions of N 2 + ions with atomic and molecular reactants1981/08/01English
The effect of neutron irradiation on the Barkhausen noise in amorphous Fe40Ni40B40 alloys1987/01/01English
Secular free solutions up to third order for two circularly polarized waves in a dissipative plasma medium1974/01/01English
Photovoltaic current on vibronically renormalized electronic states of a large-gap ferroelectric without impurities1982/01/01English
Influence of moisture on molecular motion in nylon 4 studied by NMR1980/11/01English