Czechoslovak Journal of Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Beam shear-Alfven instability in two-component tokamak1979/06/01English
Surface damage in single-crystal Mn-Zn ferrite1987/01/01English
Heisenberg's model revisited to study the angular distribution in inelastic hadron hadron collision at high energy1979/05/01English
Low-temperature galvanomagnetic effects in the presence of shallow attractive traps1980/08/01English
Thermal conductivity ofxFe2O3 · (1−x) [3 B2O3 · PbO] glasses1979/06/01English
Kinetics of azide binding to chloro- and horseradish peroxidase in water and reversed micelles1991/03/01English
Numerical analysis of glow discharge in oxygen1979/05/01English
Influence of milling on the photoluminescence of the ZnS-Cu luminophore quenched at different temperatures in vacuum1973/07/01English
Magneto-optical effects in crystals at the normal incidence1987/02/01English
Field emission microscope investigation of oxide formation on Mo field emitters1993/09/01English
Electron kinetics of molecular nitrogen dc discharge1989/04/01English
Some properties of the gas discharge in a magnetron geometry1977/04/01English
Angular forces and phonon dispersion of Mg2Pb1988/11/01English
Dislocations in deformed and annealed Fe-3 wt.% Si single crystals1982/11/01English
Electrode system of the high voltage glow discharge for metal heating1981/08/01English
Spannungsverläufe Nach Wechseln der Verformungsgeschwindigkeit an Metalleinkristallen1973/01/01German
Local density of states of GaAs and InAs surfaces: Ideal (111), (001) and (110) surfaces and monoatomic steps on the (111) and the (001) surface1987/07/01English
Les absorbants de son resonants1959/01/01French
On the lattice dynamics of disordered surfaces1979/06/01English
Levels in172Yb from the172Lu β-decay1978/03/01English
Correction factors for the absolute dosimetry of plane beta sources by a Geiger-Müller counter1958/03/01English
On statistics and thermodynamics I1979/08/01English
The effect of prior tensile strain on resistivity of torsionally deformed aluminium at room temperature1988/06/01English
Emission bands of nine alkali halides with thallium1973/06/01English
Self-consistent normal ordering of gauge field theories1987/03/01English
Approximate ferromagnetic resonance relations for (111) garnet films1982/11/01English
Charge-transfer singlet exciton in 1:1 high conductivity TCNQ ion-radical salts1974/03/01English
Ferromagnetic resonance in a thin ferrite spheroid surrounded by dielectric1987/01/01English
Hadron structure '911991/03/01English
Asymptotics of effective action in higher derivative quantum gravity1987/06/01English