USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On a Zolotarev problem in the method of alternating directions1977/01/01English12
Zh. Vych. mat.1963/01/01English12
On a monotonic shock-capturing difference scheme1980/01/01English12
Methods for the simultaneous approximate derivation of the roots of algebraic, trigonometric and exponential equations1982/01/01English12
Minimization of a quasi-differentiable function in a quasi-differentiable set1980/01/01English12
The quasi-classical asymptote to the solutions of some problems in mathematical physics. II1962/01/01English12
The construction of difference schemes of increased order of accuracy for equations of hyperbolic type1980/01/01English12
Examples of the numerical calculation of temperature waves1963/01/01English12
An iteration process for the solution of the finite-dimensional contact problem1967/01/01English11
The convergence rate of the penalty function method1971/01/01English11
Iterative methods for solving operator equations with a spectrum contained in several intervals1969/01/01English11
Methods for solving monotonic variational inequalities, based on the principle of iterative regularization1977/01/01English11
The use of a class of quasiconformal mappings to construct difference nets in domains with curvilinear boundaries1975/01/01English11
On the existence of a generalized solution of Landau's equation1977/01/01English11
The conservative “flow” method and the calculation of the flow of a viscous heat-conducting gas past a body of finite size1973/01/01English11
On a boundary value problem for a model equation of hyperbolo-parabolic type1966/01/01English11
Error estimates for solutions of incorrectly posed linear problems1969/01/01English11
Some difference schemes for solving boundary problems1963/01/01English11
Hypersonic streamline flow past a sphere in equilibrium with dissociable air1966/01/01English11
Motion of a rigid body with cavities filled with viscous fluid at small Reynolds numbers1965/01/01English11
A difference scheme on a non-uniform mesh for the equations of one-dimensional magnetic gas dynamics1989/01/01English11
The construction of iterative methods based on the use of spectrally equivalent operators1966/01/01English10
Number of arithmetical operations necessary for the approximate solution of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind1967/01/01English10
Numerical modelling of two-dimensional gas-dynamic flows on a variable-structure mesh1986/01/01English10
Optimal method of constructing best uniform approximations for functions of a certain class1978/01/01English10
Stationary strategies in differential games1977/01/01English10
Approximate evaluation of wiener continual integrals by the Monte Carlo method1979/01/01English10
A substantiation of a method for computing the propagation of electromagnetic oscillations in irregular waveguides1963/01/01English10
On the solution of stefan's converse problem. II1973/01/01English10
A numerical method of integral relations1963/01/01English10