Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Costs of forestry best management practices in the south: A review2004/01/01English
Forestry best management practices for timber harvesting and site preparation in the eastern United States: An overview of water quality and productivity research during the past 20 years (1982–2002)2004/01/01English
Best management practices compliance monitoring approaches for forestry in the eastern United States2004/01/01English
Effect of forest harvesting best management practices on coarse woody debris distribution in stream and riparian zones in three Appalachian watersheds2004/01/01English
Loblolly pine response to wet-weather harvesting on wet flats after 5 years2004/01/01English
Perceived values of benefits from Mississippi's forestry Best Management Practices2004/01/01English
Best Management Practices for Silvicultural Chemicals and the Science Behind Them2004/01/01English
An assessment of Mississippi's nonindustrial private forest landowners knowledge of forestry BMP's2004/01/01English
Volatile Organic Compounds Selection for Incorporation in Photochemical Mechanisms and the Development of Secondary Pollution Reduction Strategies2008/12/02English
Urban Air Quality and Sustainable Development2008/12/02English
Environmental Assessments in the Oil and Gas Industry2008/12/02English
Inundation Analysis in the Coastal Area Considering Climate Change Due to Global Warming2009/11/19English
Environmental and Socio-economic Aspects of the Operation of Industrial Regions: The Case Study of the Industrial Area of Alexandroupolis (Greece)2008/12/16English
Quantification of the Erosion Resistance of Undisturbed and Remoulded Cohesive Sediments2006/11/25English
Selected Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Held in Houston, Texas, July 28–31, 20082009/08/01English
Advances in Remediation Technology2006/04/07English
Interactions between Sediment and Water: Perspectives on the 10th International Association for Sediment Water Science Symposium2006/11/08English
The Identification of Xenobiotics in the New UK Context of Drinking Water Safety Planning and Related Environmental Legislation2008/08/28English
Source Analysis and Hazard Screening of Xenobiotic Organic Compounds in Wastewater from Food-Processing Industries2008/08/28English
Application of tracer ratio and inverse dispersion methods with boat-based plume measurements to estimate ammonia emissions from seabird colonies2005/01/01English
Applying metabolic fingerprinting to ecology: The use of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for the rapid screening of plant responses to N deposition2005/01/01English
Early effects of atmospheric ammonia deposition on Calluna vulgaris (L.) hull growing on an ombrotrophic peat bog2005/01/01English
What factors control soil profile nitrogen storage?2005/01/01English
The GaNE programme in a global perspective2005/01/01English
List of reviewers2005/01/01English