Science in China Series A: Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Survey on normal distributions, central limit theorem, Brownian motion and the related stochastic calculus under sublinear expectations2009/07/01English133
Design of a new dynamical core for global atmospheric models based on some efficient numerical methods2004/01/01English89
Determinant representation of Darboux transformation for the AKNS system2006/12/01English75
Rosenthal type inequalities for asymptotically almost negatively associated random variables and applications2009/09/01English73
Bayesian inference and life testing plans for generalized exponential distribution2009/06/01English72
On the existence and the uniqueness theorem for fractional differential equations with bounded delay within Caputo derivatives2008/09/02English63
New characterizations of Haj asz-Sobolev spaces on metric spaces2003/01/01English62
Maximal function characterizations of Hardy spaces on RD-spaces and their applications2008/09/20English53
Lie bialgebras of generalized Witt type2006/03/26English51
Global exponential stability of almost periodic solution for a large class of delayed dynamical systems2005/01/01English51
Characterization for commutators of n-dimensional fractional Hardy operators2007/07/19English49
Several splittings for non-Hermitian linear systems2008/07/24English47
Chaos in a topologically transitive system2005/01/01English46
Finite difference scheme based on proper orthogonal decomposition for the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations2007/06/26English46
On isometric extension problem between two unit spheres2009/08/07English46
Discrete chaos in Banach spaces2005/01/01English43
Proof of the Branner-Hubbard conjecture on Cantor Julia sets2008/11/18English43
Strong law of large numbers for Markov chains indexed by an infinite tree with uniformly bounded degree2008/02/01English40
Classifying cubic symmetric graphs of order 10p or 10p 22006/01/01English40
Path-following interior point algorithms for the Cartesian P *(κ)-LCP over symmetric cones2009/08/01English39
Uniform convergence of multigrid V-cycle on adaptively refined finite element meshes for second order elliptic problems2006/10/01English39
Acyclic edge colorings of planar graphs and seriesparallel graphs2009/03/01English37
Local structure-preserving algorithms for partial differential equations2008/08/26English37
Estimates on Bloch constants for planar harmonic mappings2008/08/29English37
Dynamical understanding of loop soliton solution for several nonlinear wave equations2007/06/01English37
Uniform estimate for maximum of randomly weighted sums with applications to insurance risk theory2005/01/01English37
Finite element formulation based on proper orthogonal decomposition for parabolic equations2009/03/01English36
Transitivity, mixing and chaos for a class of set-valued mappings2006/01/01English36
Classification of hypersurfaces with parallel M�bius second fundamental form in Sn+12004/01/01English34
On exponential sums over primes and application in Waring-Goldbach problem2005/01/01English33