Software Engineering Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Applying new scheduling theory to static priority pre-emptive scheduling1993/01/01English261
Applicability of modified condition/decision coverage to software testing1994/01/01English113
Automatic structural testing using genetic algorithms1996/01/01English86
ACRE: selecting methods for requirements acquisition1996/01/01English83
A software reliability growth model for an error-removal phenomenon1992/01/01English81
Software testing based on formal specifications: a theory and a tool1991/01/01English74
A critique of cyclomatic complexity as a software metric1988/01/01English74
Safety-critical systems, formal methods and standards1993/01/01English64
Scheduling hard real-time systems: a review1991/01/01English51
Requirements engineering with viewpoints1996/01/01English50
X-machines as a basis for dynamic system specification1988/01/01English41
Specifications are not (necessarily) executable1989/01/01English39
Using ViewPoints for inconsistency management1996/01/01English38
Controlling software projects1986/01/01English35
Support for comprehensive reuse1991/01/01English34
Towards a constructive quality model. Part 1: Software quality modelling, measurement and prediction1987/01/01English32
A mathematical perspective for software measure research1990/01/01English32
An introduction to Z and formal specifications1989/01/01English31
The Mascot method1986/01/01English31
An evaluation of some design metrics1990/01/01English30
Specifications are (preferably) executable1992/01/01English28
Software metrics: theory, tools and validation1990/01/01English26
Design metrics: an empirical analysis1990/01/01English24
Calibrating estimation tools for software development1990/01/01English24
Viewpoints for requirements definition1992/01/01English22
Towards a constructive quality model. Part 2: Statistical techniques for modelling software quality in the ESPRIT REQUEST project1987/01/01English21
Symbolic execution systems—a review1988/01/01English21
Measures of testability as a basis for quality assurance1990/01/01English21
Shotgun correlations in software measures1993/01/01English20
Software engineering, the software process and their support1991/01/01English20