Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Scientific ed.)

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Natural products related to phenanthrene. By Louis F. Fieser and Mary Fieser. 3rd ed. Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1947. xii + 704pp. Price $ 101949/10/01English
BOOKS RECElVED1951/11/01English
Steric course of microbiological reactions. By Ciba Foundation Study Group No. 2. Little, Brown & Co., 34 Beacon St., Boston 6, Mass., 1959. vii + 115pp. 12 × 18.5cm1960/04/01English
Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Vol. XIII. By W. Theilheimer. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N. Y., 1959. xvi + 600pp. 15 × 23cm. Price $27.501960/01/01English
A pharmacological Study of Two Isomeric Sodium Hydroxymercuribenzoates*,†1947/08/01English
Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie. 35–36 ed. Edited by A. F. Holleman and Friedrich Richter. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Genthner Strasse 13, Berlin W 35, Germany, 1960. xii + 646 pp. 17 × 24 cm. Price DM 281960/11/01English
Quantitative assay of the intravenous toxicity of streptomycin in mice*1947/07/01English
The Effects of Certain Carbon Sources on the Growth of Claviceps litoralis**College of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.1958/03/01English
American drug index 1960. by Charles O. Wilson and Tony Everett Jones. J. B. Lippincott Co., East Washington Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa., 1960. 712 pp. 13.5 × 20.5 cm. Price $5.751960/06/01English
Report of the Committee on Radio Publicity1945/12/01English
Pharmacology, by Michael G. Mulinos. Oxford University Press, New York, 1944. vi. + 482pp. 13.5 × 21.5cm. Price, $4.001945/03/01English
Farmaseuttisia Ja Kemiallisia synonymeja. By Y. W. Jalander. Helsingfors, 1948. xxvii + 570pp. + 47-p. supplement. 12 × 19cm1949/07/01English
Bacteriology and allied subjects, by Louis Gershenfeld. Mack Publishing Company, Easton, Pa., 1945. xxiii + 561 pp., 20 ilus. 17 × 24.75 cm. Price, $6.001945/04/01English
The essential oils. Volume II (The Constituents of Essential Oils). By Ernest Guenther. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1949. xiii + 852pp. 15 × 23cm. Price $ 101949/12/01English
The avitaminoses, by Walter H. Eddy and Gilbert Dalldorf. The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore Third Edition, 1944. xi + 438pp. 15 × 23cm. Price $4.501945/08/01English
The potency of a new extract of Convallaria majalis leaves. V. studies on the stability of convara*,†,‡1945/05/01English
Ocular therapeutics. By William J. Harrison. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, III., 1947. 112pp. 13 × 19 Price $3.501949/01/01English
Ion Exchange—theory and application. Edited by Frederick C. Nachod. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1949. xii + 411pp. Illustrated. 15 × 24cm. Price $ 8.501949/12/01English
A study of enteric coatings*1945/05/01English
List of officers of the association since its organizaiton1949/12/01English
The official preparations of pharmacy. By Charles Oren Lee. C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, 1949. 528pp. Illustrated. 13.5 × 22cm. Price $ 5.501949/12/01English
Stability of Iodine Solutions and Tinctures*†‡1947/07/01English
Report of the Committee on Legislation1945/12/01English
The determination of nitrogen in theobromine by the kjeldahl method**Appreciation is expressed to Mr. R. O. Hauck for his helpful suggestions in carrying out this work.1945/09/01English
Ion Exchange Resin Dye Compounds for Use in Indirect Determination of Gastric Acidity1956/05/01English
The Effects of Certain Harvesting and Mulching Practices on the Yield and Survival of Belladonnna*†1945/01/01English
Preliminary Report of a New Gelatin Product-“Sulfagel”1945/07/01English