Natural products related to phenanthrene. By Louis F. Fieser and Mary Fieser. 3rd ed. Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1947. xii + 704pp. Price $ 10 | 1949/10/01 | English | |
BOOKS RECElVED | 1951/11/01 | English | |
Steric course of microbiological reactions. By Ciba Foundation Study Group No. 2. Little, Brown & Co., 34 Beacon St., Boston 6, Mass., 1959. vii + 115pp. 12 × 18.5cm | 1960/04/01 | English | |
Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Vol. XIII. By W. Theilheimer. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N. Y., 1959. xvi + 600pp. 15 × 23cm. Price $27.50 | 1960/01/01 | English | |
A pharmacological Study of Two Isomeric Sodium Hydroxymercuribenzoates*,† | 1947/08/01 | English | |
Correction | 1949/12/01 | English | |
Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie. 35–36 ed. Edited by A. F. Holleman and Friedrich Richter. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Genthner Strasse 13, Berlin W 35, Germany, 1960. xii + 646 pp. 17 × 24 cm. Price DM 28 | 1960/11/01 | English | |
Quantitative assay of the intravenous toxicity of streptomycin in mice* | 1947/07/01 | English | |
The Effects of Certain Carbon Sources on the Growth of Claviceps litoralis**College of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. | 1958/03/01 | English | |
American drug index 1960. by Charles O. Wilson and Tony Everett Jones. J. B. Lippincott Co., East Washington Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa., 1960. 712 pp. 13.5 × 20.5 cm. Price $5.75 | 1960/06/01 | English | |
Masthead | 1945/02/01 | English | |
Report of the Committee on Radio Publicity | 1945/12/01 | English | |
Pharmacology, by Michael G. Mulinos. Oxford University Press, New York, 1944. vi. + 482pp. 13.5 × 21.5cm. Price, $4.00 | 1945/03/01 | English | |
Farmaseuttisia Ja Kemiallisia synonymeja. By Y. W. Jalander. Helsingfors, 1948. xxvii + 570pp. + 47-p. supplement. 12 × 19cm | 1949/07/01 | English | |
Masthead | 1948/01/01 | English | |
Bacteriology and allied subjects, by Louis Gershenfeld. Mack Publishing Company, Easton, Pa., 1945. xxiii + 561 pp., 20 ilus. 17 × 24.75 cm. Price, $6.00 | 1945/04/01 | English | |
The essential oils. Volume II (The Constituents of Essential Oils). By Ernest Guenther. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1949. xiii + 852pp. 15 × 23cm. Price $ 10 | 1949/12/01 | English | |
The avitaminoses, by Walter H. Eddy and Gilbert Dalldorf. The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore Third Edition, 1944. xi + 438pp. 15 × 23cm. Price $4.50 | 1945/08/01 | English | |
The potency of a new extract of Convallaria majalis leaves. V. studies on the stability of convara*,†,‡ | 1945/05/01 | English | |
Ocular therapeutics. By William J. Harrison. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, III., 1947. 112pp. 13 × 19 Price $3.50 | 1949/01/01 | English | |
Ion Exchange—theory and application. Edited by Frederick C. Nachod. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1949. xii + 411pp. Illustrated. 15 × 24cm. Price $ 8.50 | 1949/12/01 | English | |
A study of enteric coatings* | 1945/05/01 | English | |
List of officers of the association since its organizaiton | 1949/12/01 | English | |
The official preparations of pharmacy. By Charles Oren Lee. C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, 1949. 528pp. Illustrated. 13.5 × 22cm. Price $ 5.50 | 1949/12/01 | English | |
Stability of Iodine Solutions and Tinctures*†‡ | 1947/07/01 | English | |
Report of the Committee on Legislation | 1945/12/01 | English | |
The determination of nitrogen in theobromine by the kjeldahl method**Appreciation is expressed to Mr. R. O. Hauck for his helpful suggestions in carrying out this work. | 1945/09/01 | English | |
Ion Exchange Resin Dye Compounds for Use in Indirect Determination of Gastric Acidity | 1956/05/01 | English | |
The Effects of Certain Harvesting and Mulching Practices on the Yield and Survival of Belladonnna*† | 1945/01/01 | English | |
Preliminary Report of a New Gelatin Product-“Sulfagel” | 1945/07/01 | English | |