Spatial Statistics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A kernel-enriched order-dependent nonparametric spatio-temporal process2023/06/01English
Mapping using an adaptive sampling design2024/04/01English
Optimal prediction of positive-valued spatial processes: Asymmetric power-divergence loss2024/04/01English
Searching for correct specification in spatial probit models. Classical approaches versus Gradient Boosting algorithmEnglish
Spatial Bayesian neural networks2024/04/01English
A multivariate spatial and spatiotemporal ARCH Model2024/04/01English
Using spatial ordinal patterns for non-parametric testing of spatial dependence2024/03/01English
Copula-Based Data-Driven Multiple-Point Simulation Method2024/03/01English
Impacts of spatial imputation on location-allocation problem solutions2024/03/01English
Spatio-temporal mapping of stunting and wasting in Nigerian children: A bivariate mixture modeling2023/12/01English
Locally adaptive spatial quantile smoothing: Application to monitoring crime density in Tokyo2024/03/01English
General spatial model meets adaptive shrinkage generalized moment estimation: Simultaneous model and moment selection2023/12/01English
Profile likelihoods for parameters in trans-Gaussian geostatistical models2024/04/01English
Bayesian spatio-temporal statistical modeling of violent-related fatality in western and central Africa2024/04/01English
Graph convolutional networks for spatial interpolation of correlated data2024/04/01English
Echo state network-enhanced symbolic regression for spatio-temporal binary stochastic cellular automata2024/04/01English
On using Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for the analysis of Replicated Spatial Point Processes2023/04/01English
Bivariate spatial clustering in differential time trends of related tropical diseases: Application to diarrhea and intestinal parasite infections2023/04/01English
Spatial classification in the presence of measurement error2024/03/01English
A comparison of model validation approaches for echo state networks using climate model replicates2024/03/01English
Extended Laplace approximation for self-exciting spatio-temporal models of count data2023/08/01English
Dynamic ICAR Spatiotemporal Factor Models2023/08/01English
Discriminant analysis of environmental data based on zero inflated spatial auto-beta models2023/03/01English
A nonparametric penalized likelihood approach to density estimation of space-time point patterns2024/04/01English
Variable selection methods for Log-Gaussian Cox processes: A case-study on accident dataEnglish
Spatial Functional Data analysis: Irregular spacing and Bernstein polynomials2024/04/01English
Probabilistic Context Neighborhood model for latticesEnglish
Space, uncertainty, and the environment: honoring the distinguished career of noel CressieEnglish
A Poisson cokriging method for bivariate count data2023/10/01English
Distribution free prediction for geographically weighted functional regression models2023/10/01English