
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comparing the Argumentum Model of Topics to Other Contemporary Approaches to Argument Schemes: The Procedural and Material Components2010/08/18English61
Argument by Analogy2005/03/01English58
Strategic Maneuvering: A Synthetic Recapitulation2006/12/01English52
The Study of Visual and Multimodal Argumentation2015/04/21English48
Virtue in Argument2009/07/18English39
Argumentative Polylogues in a Dialectical Framework: A Methodological Inquiry2013/12/20English39
Two Forms of the Straw Man2006/11/10English39
Identifying Argumentative Patterns: A Vital Step in the Development of Pragma-Dialectics2015/09/23English36
Evaluating Arguments Based on Toulmin’s Scheme2005/12/01English36
Accounting for the Appeal to the Authority of Experts2011/07/26English34
Strategic Maneuvering through Persuasive Definitions: Implications for Dialectic and Rhetoric2007/05/31English34
A Meta-Level Approach to the Problem of Defining ‘Critical Thinking’2015/04/17English32
Going Multimodal: What is a Mode of Arguing and Why Does it Matter?2014/10/17English32
Choice is Not True or False: The Domain of Rhetorical Argumentation2008/09/30English30
The Assessment of Argumentation from Expert Opinion2011/07/26English30
Advancing Polylogical Analysis of Large-Scale Argumentation: Disagreement Management in the Fracking Controversy2016/06/01English29
Transmuted Expertise: How Technical Non-Experts Can Assess Experts and Expertise2011/07/22English28
Systematizing Toulmin’s Warrants: An Epistemic Approach2005/12/01English28
Toulmin’s Model and the Solving of Ill-Structured Problems2005/12/01English27
What Students’ Arguments Can Tell Us: Using Argumentation Schemes in Science Education2012/11/09English25
The Burden of Proof and Its Role in Argumentation2007/05/31English25
A Functional Analysis of 2004 Ukrainian Presidential Debates2006/09/08English24
AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes2005/12/01English24
Strategic Maneuvering in Political Argumentation2008/04/15English23
Argumentation: The Mixed Game2006/02/01English22
“Eat your Hamburger!”—“No, I don’t Want to!” Argumentation and Argumentative Development in the Context of Dinner Conversation in Twenty Swedish Families2008/01/08English22
The New Rhetoric’s Inheritance. Argumentation and Discourse Analysis2009/06/12English22
Design Thinking in Argumentation Theory and Practice2015/03/13English22
The Fake, the Flimsy, and the Fallacious: Demarcating Arguments in Real Life2015/06/03English21
“Let Me Tell You Why!”. When Argumentation in Doctor–Patient Interaction Makes a Difference2006/11/11English21