International Journal of Educational Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Curriculum reform and ‘Quality Education’ in China: An overview2009/05/01English192
Social justice, capabilities and the quality of education in low income countries2011/01/01English191
International student migration and social stratification in China2009/09/01English167
Learner-centred education in developing country contexts: From solution to problem?2011/09/01English152
Poverty & privilege: Primary school inequality in South Africa2013/09/01English150
Factors affecting student burnout and academic achievement in multiple enrollment programs in Taiwan’s technical–vocational colleges2004/05/01English147
Family sources of educational gender inequality in rural China: A critical assessment2009/09/01English142
Bringing the schools back in: the stratification of educational achievement in the Chilean voucher system2012/01/01English117
Learning from migrant education: A case study of the schooling of rural migrant children in Beijing2009/09/01English116
An analysis of education inequality in China2014/07/01English116
Effect of pandemic based online education on teaching and learning system2021/09/01English108
The education of China's migrant children: The missing link in China's education system2014/07/01English106
Curriculum reform in post-1990s sub-Saharan Africa2008/03/01English105
Does cram schooling matter? Who goes to cram schools? Evidence from Taiwan2012/01/01English105
Modelling the long-run learning impact of the Covid-19 learning shock: Actions to (more than) mitigate loss2021/03/01English104
The impact of school choice and public policy on segregation: Evidence from Chile2012/05/01English98
Education and corruption2004/11/01English97
Vocational education and training for development: A policy in need of a theory?2012/09/01English97
Dropping out: Why are students leaving junior high in China's poor rural areas?2012/07/01English96
Educational reform in Turkey2007/03/01English92
Assessing pre-service teachers’ environmental literacy in Turkey as a mean to develop teacher education programs2009/07/01English91
Gender equality in education: Definitions and measurements2005/07/01English91
Starting behind and staying behind in South Africa2015/03/01English91
Conflict, education and the global south: New critical directions2008/07/01English89
Inclusion in education: A step towards social justice2011/01/01English87
A review of literature on challenges in the development and implementation of generic competencies in higher education curriculum2017/11/01English86
Schooling and local environmental knowledge: Do they complement or substitute each other?2010/05/01English86
Impacts of the universal primary education policy on educational attainment and private costs in rural Uganda2008/03/01English83
Global inequality, capabilities, social justice: The millennium development goal for gender equality in education2005/03/01English82
International students’ experiences in China: Does the planned reverse mobility work?2018/07/01English81