Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the mass transfer in non-Newtonian fluids II. Transfer from cylinders to power law fluids1980/01/01English4
An approach to liquid metal turbulent heat transfer in a circular tube solving equation with local equilibrium assumption1982/07/01English4
Steady state flow boiling curve measurements via temperature controllers1979/01/01English4
Heat transfer from a bank of immersed horizontal smooth tubes in a fluidized bed1979/05/01English4
Free convective heat transfer from slender cylinders subject to uniform wall heat flux1974/11/01English4
Accuracy of temperature measurements in furnaces1976/09/01English4
Convection driven by non-uniform surface tension1979/09/01English4
Hot film anemometer calibration and use in fluids at varying background temperature1977/09/01English4
Preliminary study of 2-D multiple scattering1977/03/01English4
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer to flat plate in humid air stream under frosting conditions1978/09/01English4
Comparison entre differents schemas de resolution numerique de l'equation de l'infiltration1976/01/01English4
Convection in a porous medium as a singular perturbation problem1979/07/01English4
Effect of steam addition on the thermal performance of regenerators1979/09/01English4
Solidification fouling of paraffin wax from hydrocarbons1982/05/01English4
The onset of convection in free surface fluid layers with radiative heat generation1980/09/01English4
The effect of conduction error on the hot wire measurement in a turbulent flow near a wall1978/09/01English4
Turbulent heat transfer measurements in axisymmetric external separated and reattached flows1979/09/01English4
Drop carry-over phenomenon in liquid evaporation from capillary structures1978/11/01English3
On the formulation of constitutive laws required to describe two-phase flow models1979/12/01English3
Nucleate boiling at a liquid — liquid interface1977/09/01English3
Effect of thermodynamic non-idealities on fluid-fluid interphase mass transfer1977/07/01English3
A composite Leveque-Graetz solution to the Brinkman problem1976/03/01English3
An experiment on liquid solidification in thermal entrance region of a circular tube1977/11/01English3
Effect of high transfer rates on the diffusion behaviour of multicomponent systems1976/09/01English3
Extrapolation to various tube diameters of experimental data taken with dilute polymer solutions in a smooth tube1974/07/01English3
Prediction of turbulent heat fluxes and temperature fluctuations1979/12/01English3
The effect of orientation on R-11 bubble frequencies in nucleate pool boiling1979/09/01English3
Simulation of the unsteady state behaviour of the dephlegmation of binary vapour mixtures1978/09/01English3
Diffuse radiation configuration view factors between two spheres, and their limits1976/05/01English3
Optimal linearization and variational embedding solutions for convective fins with variable thermal conductivity1982/03/01English3