The Pacific Sociological Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position1958/04/011,810
Organizational Legitimacy: Social Values and Organizational Behavior1975/01/011,776
Serious Leisure: A Conceptual Statement1982/04/01495
The Nature of Social Worlds1980/07/01176
Use of Concurrent Operants in Small Group Research: A Demonstration1974/10/01149
Local Social Disruption and Western Energy Development: A Critical Review1982/07/01120
A Conceptual and Measurement Model for Norms and Roles1966/04/0187
The Impact of Work on Leisure: Toward a Paradigm and Research Strategy1971/07/0176
Information Technology and Organizational Structure1977/04/0168
Conceptions of Deviant Behavior: The Old and the New1966/04/0166
A Measure of Ordinal Consensus1966/10/0162
Political Alienation and Public Satisfaction with Police Services1981/01/0155
The Decline and Fall of Social Class1959/04/0155
Organizational Structure as Signaling1979/10/0151
The Meaning of Work among the Hard-Core Unemployed1974/04/0148
Situational and Social Factors in Leisure Decisions1978/07/0143
Social Origins and School Failure: A Reexamination of Cohen's Theory of Working-Class Delinquency1971/10/0142
Meanings of Work among Blue Collar Men1969/04/0141
The Use of Potential Nonrespondents for Studying Nonresponse Bias1970/04/0141
Toward a Sociology of Not-Work1971/07/0139
Exploring and Correcting for Nonresponse Bias Using Follow-Ups of Nonrespondents1976/07/0137
Who Shall Rule? A Political Analysis of Succession in a Large Welfare Organization1965/04/0137
Epidemiology and Individual Conduct: A Case from Criminology1960/10/0136
Toward a Theory of Religious Influence1968/04/0136
Types of Solidarity in the Reconstituting of Groups1967/10/0135
Public Support for Environmental Protection: New Evidence from National Surveys1980/10/0134
Affective Ties and Delinquency1973/01/0134
The Amateur: Two Sociological Definitions1977/10/0132
Toward a Theoretical System of Human Ecology1959/04/0131
Status and Identity: The Problem of Inauthenticity1966/10/0130