The Ecology of Order and Chaos | 1990/06/01 | English | 48 |
The Uses Of Environmental History | 1993/09/01 | English | 47 |
The Place of the City in Environmental History | 1993/03/01 | English | 24 |
Mexico's “Green Revolution,” 1940–1980: Towards an Environmental History | 1992/12/01 | English | 22 |
The Case For Letting Malibu Burn | 1995/06/01 | English | 21 |
The Relevance of Chinese Neo-Confucianism for the Reverence of Nature | 1991/06/01 | English | 20 |
Equity, Eco-racism and Environmental History | 1995/09/01 | English | 18 |
Indian Forestry Policy in Two Eras: Continuity or Change? | 1993/03/01 | English | 16 |
“The Death-Dealing Smog Over Donora, Pennsylvania”: Industrial Air Pollution, Public Health Policy, and the Politics of Expertise, 1948–1949 | 1994/03/01 | English | 13 |
Place: An Argument for Bioregional History | 1994/12/01 | English | 12 |
A Nature Fit for Industry: The Environmental History of the Ruhr Basin, 1840 – 1990 | 1994/03/01 | English | 10 |
Merchants of Pollution?: The Soap and Detergent Industry and the Fight to Restore Great Lakes Water Quality, 1965–1972 | 1992/09/01 | English | 10 |
Factory as Environment: Industrial Hygiene, Professional Collaboration and the Modern Sciences of Pollution | 1994/03/01 | English | 9 |
Nature and the Disorder of History | 1994/06/01 | English | 9 |
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring | 1993/06/01 | English | 8 |
“More in the Breach Than in the Observance:” Crayfish, Conservation & Capitalism c.1890–c.1939 | 1993/12/01 | English | 8 |
Nataraja: India's Cycle of Fire | 1994/09/01 | English | 8 |
Creating a Toxic Landscape: Chemical Waste Disposal Policy and Practice, 1900–1960 | 1994/03/01 | English | 7 |
The Coming of the Clean Waters Acts in Maine, 1941–1961 | 1990/09/01 | English | 7 |
Rice, Water, and Power: Landscapes of Domination and Resistance in the Lowcountry, 1790–1880 | 1991/09/01 | English | 7 |
Constructing the Environmental Spectacle: Green Advertisements and the Greening of the Corporate Image, 1910–1990 | 1992/12/01 | English | 7 |
Academic Historians and Hunting: A Call for More and Better Scholarship | 1995/09/01 | English | 7 |
The Environmental Crisis in China and the Case for Environmental History Studies | 1990/06/01 | English | 6 |
Searching for a “Sink” for an Industrial Waste: Iron-Making Fuels and the Environment | 1994/03/01 | English | 6 |
“Not Long Ago a Smoking Chimney Was a Sign of Prosperity”: Corporate and Community Response to Pollution at the Bunker Hill Smelter in Kellogg, Idaho | 1994/06/01 | English | 6 |
Putting a Ceiling on Sealing: Conservation and Cooperation in the International Arena, 1909–1911 | 1991/09/01 | English | 6 |
Sustainability and ‘Pragmatic’ Environmental History: A Note from Australia | 1994/09/01 | English | 6 |
Reconstructing Environmentalism: Complex Movements, Diverse Roots | 1993/12/01 | English | 6 |
Technology and the Environment: The Historians’ Challenge | 1994/03/01 | English | 5 |
Environmental Change in Colonial New Mexico | 1994/06/01 | English | 5 |