Social Network Analysis and Mining

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Online engagement factors on Facebook brand pages2013/01/26English354
Social media and political communication: a social media analytics framework2012/08/25English214
Social recommendation: a review2013/11/09English197
Study on centrality measures in social networks: a survey2018/02/28English186
Social network analysis: developments, advances, and prospects2010/10/06English163
A review on sentiment analysis and emotion detection from text2021/08/28English115
Tweeting the terror: modelling the social media reaction to the Woolwich terrorist attack2014/06/13English105
Topic modeling and sentiment analysis of global climate change tweets2019/06/10English98
Emotion detection from text and speech: a survey2018/04/07English84
GED: the method for group evolution discovery in social networks2012/03/21English79
Deep learning for misinformation detection on online social networks: a survey and new perspectives2020/09/29English77
Sentiment analysis on the impact of coronavirus in social life using the BERT model2021/03/19English76
Twitter sentiment classification for measuring public health concerns2015/05/12English67
Identifying high betweenness centrality nodes in large social networks2012/07/05English67
Deep learning CNN–LSTM framework for Arabic sentiment analysis using textual information shared in social networks2020/07/05English64
Analysis of user keyword similarity in online social networks2010/10/06English61
A systematic approach to the one-mode projection of bipartite graphs2011/04/06English55
Stream graphs and link streams for the modeling of interactions over time2018/10/03English55
On minimizing budget and time in influence propagation over social networks2012/03/21English52
Customer segmentation using online platforms: isolating behavioral and demographic segments for persona creation via aggregated user data2018/08/23English51
Tweet, but verify: epistemic study of information verification on Twitter2014/03/25English50
A collaborative filtering framework for friends recommendation in social networks based on interaction intensity and adaptive user similarity2012/09/18English47
Analyzing polarization of social media users and news sites during political campaigns2017/11/27English46
Dynamic community detection in evolving networks using locality modularity optimization2016/03/24English46
Community detection in large-scale social networks: state-of-the-art and future directions2019/05/18English44
Event detection, tracking, and visualization in Twitter: a mention-anomaly-based approach2015/05/27English43
Market basket analysis with networks2010/08/28English41
Exploiting behaviors of communities of twitter users for link prediction2013/10/22English41
Friend or foe? Fake profile identification in online social networks2014/05/23English40
On tractable cases of Target Set Selection2012/05/11English40