International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Maturity Assessment of Rotary Drum and Windrow Composts In Terms of Germination Index and Enzymatic Activities2012/06/205
A comparative study of ground water and surface water quality in the Jia – Bharali river basin, Assam, India with reference to Physico - Chemical characteristics2012/06/205
Wear studies on wrought and heat treated Nimonic, Titanium and Superco super alloys2012/02/234
Variation of fluoride and correlation with alkalinity in groundwater of shallow and deep aquifers- A case study in and around Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh2012/08/204
Implementation of High Speed Low Power Carry Look Ahead Adder Using Domino Logic2012/06/204
Design of low power RF to DC generator for energy harvesting application2012/08/204
Synthesis and characterization of Lead (II) hydroxide Nanoparticles2012/06/204
Cyclonic track analysis using GIS over the Bay of Bengal2012/10/204
Understanding the challenges in machining thin walled thin floored Avionics components2013/02/203
Evaluation of service quality in hospital using fuzzy reasoning approach2012/08/203
Effect of acid rain on geotechnical properties of composite fine-grained soil2012/02/233
Evaluation of the effect of Spirulina against Gamma irradiation induced oxidative stress and tissue injury in rats2012/02/233
A Stochastic Modelling Technique for Predicting Groundwater Table Fluctuations with Time Series Analysis2012/04/163
Using Failure Mode Effect Analysis in a Precision Sheet Metal Parts Manufacturing Company2012/04/162
Novel method to synthesize and characterize Zinc Sulfide nanoparticles2012/04/162
The effect of chemical admixtures on the geotechnical parameters of organic soil: a new statistical model2012/08/202
Effect of Oxalic Acid on Rice Husk2012/10/202
Development of regression equation for optimizing the materials requirements of lime and sand stabilizing adobe based on consistency and linear shrinkage2012/06/202
Effect of coagulant protein from Parkinsonia aculeata seed and Citrus juice on bacteria isolated from Ruvu River in Tanzania2012/10/202
Stress among medical laboratory technicians2013/02/202
Modeling manual material lifting risk evaluation: A fuzzy logic approach2013/02/202
Study of phase transformations in EN8 steel material using acoustic emission technique2012/06/202
Micro Structural Aspects of Aluminium Silicon Carbide Metal Matrix Composite2012/04/162
A review on thermocouple for power generation2012/02/232
Electrochemical treatment of landfill leachate2012/02/232
Strength comparison of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) wrapped concrete exposed to high temperature2012/02/231
Simulation and measurement of the voltage distribution on high voltage suspension Porcelain insulator string under pollution condition2012/02/231
Prediction of surface roughness in turning process using soft computing techniques2012/02/231
CFD simulation of heat and mass transfer of Lithium bromide flow over absorber circular tubes2012/02/231
An empirical study of green supply chain management in Indian perspective2012/04/161