Higher Education Management and Policy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Impact of League Tables and Ranking Systems on Higher Education Decision Making2007/07/05English169
Rankings and the battle for world-class excellence2009/02/17English93
League Tables as Policy Instruments2007/06/01English82
Brave new world2009/06/30English57
(Re)conceptualising the academy2008/10/06English54
Corruption in Higher Education2004/04/20English45
Quality assurance in higher education as a political process2010/03/17English40
Defining and monitoring academic standards in Australian higher education2010/02/18English38
Student Satisfaction in Higher Education2004/09/24English34
What is a University in the 21st Century?2005/09/08English33
The Relationship Between Branding and Organisational Change2007/01/11English33
Internationalisation of Higher Education and Language Policy2008/01/16English33
Peripheries and Centres2007/06/29English33
The state of learning outcomes assessment in the United States2010/02/18English29
The United Kingdom's Research Assessment Exercise2003/10/21English26
Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Era of Globalisation2007/01/24English25
Fear and Loathing in University Staffing2003/12/17English25
Twelve Propositions on Diversity in Higher Education2006/10/16English25
Multidimensional ranking2010/12/16English25
An international assessment of bachelor degree graduates' learning outcomes2012/01/05English24
Universities, the State and the Market2007/10/04English24
The intended and unintended effects of the Bologna reforms2010/02/18English23
Managing Human Resources in Higher Education2007/07/18English23
Managing the Unmanageable2006/06/21English23
Motivating the Professoriate2003/12/17English23
Four basic dilemmas in university governance reform2009/09/15English21
International Trade in Educational Services2002/12/17English21
What's the difference? A model for measuring the value added by higher education in Australia2009/03/17English18
Accessibility and Equity, Market Forces, and Entrepreneurship2008/01/14English18
Academic Leaders or Corporate Managers2003/03/05English17