Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effects of Tensile Stress on Diffusion-Transformation During the Course of Cooling of Steels1963/01/01English
Die Beziehung zwischen Hräte und Gefüge der Stahldrähte1961/01/01English
Thermodynamic Activity of Sulfur in Tl–S Melt1972/01/01English
An Apparatus for the Analysis of Micro-Amounts of Gases in Iron and Steel by Vacuum Fusion-Mass Spectrometry1969/01/01English
A Survey of High Velocity Deformation Characteristics of 78% Zn-22% Al Alloy1970/01/01English
Ferrite Precipitation in 25Cr–20Ni Steel1980/01/01English
Deformation of Steel Ring Expanded Explosively in Water1985/01/01English
Segregation of Solute Atoms to Dislocations in a Cu-Si Alloy1963/01/01English
Liquid Phase Sintering of Ni-Base Superalloy IN-1001986/01/01English
An Optical Study of Oxidation of Copper during Isothermal Heating in Air1969/01/01English
Dealuminification of Cu-Al-Fe-Ni Alloy by Sea Water Corrosion1963/01/01English
Metallurgical Properties of Thin Aluminum Films Deposited in Vacuum1971/01/01English
Corrosion-Resisting Films Produced on Titanium and Zirconium in High Temperature Water and Several Aqueous Chloride Solutions1964/01/01English
Carbon Diffusion in Liquid during Steady State Solidification of Flake Graphite Cast Iron1984/01/01English
Microstructures of Columnar Grains in Uranium Dioxide1967/01/01English
The Kinetics of the 2Al(l)+AlCl<SUB>3</SUB>(g)=3AlCl(g) Reaction in the Subhalide Process of Aluminum1972/01/01English
Some Analyses for Dynamic Characteristics of the Materials of Relaxation Type in terms of the 3-Lumped Parameter Vibration Model1979/01/01English
Effect of Working Temperatures on Recrystallization Behavior of Ni-30%Cu Alloy1980/01/01English
Inverse Chill in Cast Iron1987/01/01English
Determination of Iron Content in Iron Ore by Fluorescent X-Ray Spectroscopy&mdash;Effects of Cobalt Internal Standard in Binder-Briquetted Specimens1980/01/01English
Diffusion of Silver in Molten Lead-Tin Alloys1966/01/01English
Electrolytic Isolation of Carbide, Sulfide and Phosphide in White Cast Iron1961/01/01English
Effects of Si upon High Temperature Oxide Films of Heat Resisting Alloys1961/01/01English
Direct Observation of Internally Oxidized Cu&ndash;Al Alloys Deformed in Tension1965/01/01English
Development of &lang;111&rang; Fibre Texture in &alpha;-Fe through the Diffusional Process without &gamma;-&alpha; Transformation1979/01/01English
Growth of Aggregate of Cl<SUP>&minus;</SUP> Ions in the Molten K<SUB>0.8</SUB>(KCl)<SUB>0.2</SUB> System Simulated by Molecular Dynamics1985/01/01English
Formation of Etch Beaks on the (111) Surfaces of Rapidly-Cooled Copper Crystals1982/01/01English
X-ray Side Bands of Modulated Structures in a Cu&ndash;Ti Alloy1987/01/01English
The Effect of Rolling Rates on the Texture Development of Polycrystalline Copper1974/01/01English
Thermodynamic Studies on Lead-Bismuth Liquid Allloys1961/01/01English