Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers

Title Publication Date Language Citations
General notes1954/06/01English
The behaviour of a series-transductor magnetic amplifier with directly-connected or rectifier-fed loads1952/03/01English
Meetings of the Institution. Arrangements for April and the remainder of the session1953/03/01English
An assessment of the impregnated pressure cable1953/09/01English
The Annual General Meeting1951/07/01English
The propagation of surge voltages through large turbo-alternators with two parallel windings1954/06/01English
A review of transductor principles and applications1951/01/01English
The frequency tripler1953/06/01English
Parasitic forces existing in induction watt-hour meters1950/01/01English
An oscillograph for the automatic recording of disturbances on electric supply systems1949/05/01English
The influence of operating conditions on the construction of electrical capacitors1950/11/01English
Practical calculation of magnetizing force1950/04/01English
The transient behaviour of ladder networks of the type representing transformer and machine windings1954/10/01English
Hermetic sealing of capacitors. A review of the development of terminal insulation design1950/02/01English
Some notes on overtone crystals and maintaining oscillators operating in the frequency range of 33–55 Mc/s1951/06/01English
A study of frequency fluctuations in sound recording and reproducing systems1949/03/01English
Radiation measuring instruments for the infra-red to ultra-violet waveband1951/12/01English
Associate Membership Examination1953/02/01English
The performance of television receiver installations in the presence of interference1953/04/01English
Substations, with particular reference to Yorkshire practice1949/06/01English
Television programme production problems in relation to engineering technique1952/11/01English
The 1104th Ordinary Meeting of the Institution1954/01/01English
Correction factors for slotted measuring lines at very high frequencies1950/08/01English
Electricity supply—a statistical approach to some particular problems1952/04/01English
A delayed-trigger oscillograph1953/04/01English
Relaxation methods applied to the problem of a.c. magnetization of ferromagnetic laminae1951/06/01English
Some adverse influences of meteorological factors on marine navigational radar1951/03/01English
The testing of fine wires for telecommunication apparatus1951/08/01English
Meetings of the Institution1953/02/01English
Ferrite materials1950/05/01English