Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Publisher’s note2016/09/01English
Modeling of thermal–hydraulic–mechanical–chemical​ acid fracturing with discretized virtual internal bond2023/09/01English
Assessment of mechanical behavior and failure criteria under varied confining pressures in treated calcareous sandEnglish
Influence of clay fraction on the shear behavior of an interface between sand-clay mixture and concreteEnglish
Modelling of failure and fracture development of the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone during an in-situ heating experiment associated with geological disposal of high-level radioactive wasteEnglish
Evaluating the effect of organic matter contained in shale on hydraulic fracturing of infill-well2024/03/01English
Laboratory validation of a new hydro-mechanical energy-based brittleness index model for hydraulic fracturing2024/03/01English
Single fluid-driven crack propagation in analogue rock assisted by chemical environment2024/03/01English
Assessment method for determining rock brittleness based on statistical damage constitutive relations2024/03/01English
Advective gas flow in bentonite: Development and comparison of enhanced multi-phase numerical approaches2024/03/01English
On the resilience of bio-cemented silica sands in chemically reactive environment2024/03/01English
Fracture network organization with continuation of injections in the Habanero field (Cooper Basin, Australia) disclosed by coda wave fluctuations2023/12/01English
Creep properties and model of fractured sandstone under freezing environmentEnglish
Fractional derivative modelling for consolidation of multilayered saturated soils with interfacial thermal contact resistance subjected to time-dependent heating and loadingEnglish
Strengthening effect of nano-SiO2 on microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) solidified sediment: Macro- and micro-analysisEnglish
Modeling of cryogenic cracking behavior of tight sandstone under confinementEnglish
Effect of thermal cycling on the isotropic consolidation and triaxial shear behavior of lateritic clayEnglish
Numerical modeling of the fracturing mechanisms of unconsolidated sand reservoirs under water injectionEnglish
Modelling a gas injection experiment incorporating embedded fractures and heterogeneous material propertiesEnglish
Slip-weakening friction controls coseismic displacements in a 3D fracture network: Implications for the long-term safety of nuclear waste repositoriesEnglish
Probability analysis of rock slope using FORM based on a nonlinear strength criterion2023/06/01English
Stress-state dependency of the strain ratio of quasi-elastic granular soils under cyclic loading2023/06/01English
Study on the constitutive model and brittleness variations of shale after imbibition in different fracturing fluids2023/06/01English
Importance of drilling-related processes on the origin of borehole breakouts — Insights from LWD observations2023/06/01English
Fracture angle of Hoek–Brown materials2023/06/01English
Ultrasonic modeling of synthetic finely layered and porous rocks: Theoretical and experimental investigation2023/09/01English
A hydro-mechanical semi-analytical framework for hollow cylinder sanding tests2023/09/01English
Corrosion effects on axial pile capacity2024/04/01English
Thermo-hydraulic analysis of desiccation cracked soil strata considering ground temperature and moisture dynamics under the influence of soil-atmosphere interactionsEnglish
Failure characteristics and brittleness index establishment based on marble energy evolution mechanism2023/12/01English