International Journal of Construction Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optimizing contractor’s accruals under conditions of penalty imposition due to unforeseen delays2023/08/03English
A mixed-methods study of the critical success factors in the development of assembled buildings in steel structure projects in China2022/04/04English
Maturity of procurement units for public construction projects in Indonesia2022/04/05English
Key drivers of value amongst multicultural teams in construction projects2023/06/10English
A hybrid simulation model for modules installation in modular integrated construction projects2023/06/10English
Effects of latitude and building orientation in indoor-illuminance levels towards energy efficiency2023/05/25English
An association rule mining model for the application of construction technologies during COVID-192023/05/18English
Automated integration of as-is point cloud information with as-planned BIM for interior construction2023/05/17English
Building commissioning process and documentation: a literature review and directions for future research2023/05/25English
Accurate estimation of cost and time utilizing risk analysis and simulation (case study: road construction projects in Iran)2023/05/17English
Evaluating the efficiency and productivity of general workers in structural work practices of building construction through work-based training applications2022/12/15English
Cost estimation models for seismic retrofit of masonry school buildings2022/11/21English
Urban logistics stakeholder priority assessment to improve urban planning policy2022/08/25English
Drivers for increasing attractiveness of commercial centers2022/09/09English
Public procurement and business performance in COVID-19 situation: decline in firms’ entry2023/11/16English
Fuzzy inference decision model to quantify the effectiveness of incentives on delivering green buildings2023/11/16English
Multimode variable resource-constrained time/cost trade-off problem in repetitive projects with adjustment strategy2023/11/03English
Selection of most significant risk factors for Indian tunnel projects: an integrated fuzzy-based MCDM approach2023/10/20English
ANN model predicting quality performance for building construction projects in Rwanda2023/11/29English
A sustainability assessment framework for high-rise residential projects: a case of India2023/02/22English
Green supply chain nuances in East Malaysian construction industry2023/02/21English
Editorial note – public-private partnership: strategic issues and the way forward2020/11/01English
Towards a more stable Construction Joint Venture agreement: individual rationality vs. fairness2024/01/30English
Investigating the determinants of construction project complexity impacting project success: an India perspective2023/12/29English
Enhancing cost estimation performance through effective organizational control: the moderating role of project complexity in construction projects2023/12/05English
Enhanced planning and scheduling in building construction projects: an innovative approach to overcome scheduling challenges2023/12/05English
Coopetition capability of international joint ventures for high-speed railway projects2023/12/05English
Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) for design of climate-resilient bridges – a comprehensive review and a case study2024/01/30English
Consumer’s welfare in the retail environment: implication for retail property development planning and policy2021/10/04English
A comparative study on achieving universally designed schools. Two case studies at Aswan city, Egypt2022/02/24English