Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stochastic processes dominated the soil bacterial community assemblages along an altitudinal gradient in boreal forests2024/03/01English
Bedrock regulated climatic controls on the interannual variation of land sink in South-West China karst through soil water availability2024/03/01English
Methane uptake responses to extreme droughts regulated by seasonal timing and plant composition2024/03/01English
Self-weighting of the overlying soil horizon catalyzed by freeze–thaw cycles leads to silt particle enrichment in the soil profile2024/03/01English
Effect of plant shapes on sand transport rate and aerodynamic particle entrainment rate from the perspective of plant drag2024/03/01English
Landscape sensitivity: from theory to practice2001/01/01English
Loess particle size data indicative of stable winter monsoons during the last interglacial in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau2000/05/01English
Arctic soil properties associated with micro-relief forms in the bellsund region ( Spitsbergen)1996/12/01English
Two-dimensional modelling of the within-field variation in rill and gully geometry and location related to topography1997/05/01English
Geomorphic features of a badland (biancane) area (Central Italy): characterisation, distribution and quantitative spatial analysis1998/01/01English
A sound reference base for soils — “référentiel pédologique” 19982001/03/01English
Environmental analysis of soil erosion in Guangdong Province: A Deqing case study1997/04/01English
Impact of carbo-gaseous saline waters registered by soils2001/09/01English
Soil erosion in developing countries: where geomorphology fears to tread!1995/06/01English
Historical bank-breachings of the lower Yellow River as influenced by drainage basin factors2001/08/01English
MEDRUSH and the Catsop basin—the lessons learned1999/10/01English
A climatic index for soil erosion potential (CSEP) including seasonal and vegetation factors1995/06/01English
Evolution of the Lower Gangetic Plain landforms and soils in West Bengal, India1998/08/01English
Rates and patterns of tillage and water erosion on terraces and contour strips: evidence from caesium-137 measurements1999/06/01English
Pathways of dust input to the Chinese Loess Plateau during the last glacial and interglacial periods2000/07/01English
The rate of iron oxide enrichment in arid zone alluvial fan soils, Tunisian southern atlas, measured by mineral magnetic techniques1997/08/01English
The variability of heavy metals in floodplain sediments: A case study from mid Wales1996/12/01English
Comparison of distinctive diversities, co-occurrence patterns and potential ecological functions of microbial communities in heterogeneous soil areas in typical subtropical forests, southeast China2024/04/01English
Manure increases soil organic carbon most when allocated to annual cropping2024/04/01English
Contrasting responses of the priming effect to nitrogen deposition in temperate and subtropical forests2024/04/01English
Upland plant communities — sensitivity to change2001/01/01English
Why soil erosion models over-predict small soil losses and under-predict large soil losses1998/02/01English
Nutrient losses in eroded sediment after fire in eucalyptus and pine forests in the wet Mediterranean environment of northern Portugal1999/08/01English
Contents volume 28, 1996/971997/02/01English