Evolutionary Intelligence

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Selection of informative genes from high-dimensional cancerous data employing an improvised meta-heuristic algorithm2021/04/01English
Improved rider for vehicular adhoc NETwork routing via neural network2021/04/17English
Special issue “The convergence of Evolutionary Intelligence and Networking”2020/02/13English
Bayesian fusion strategy for moving target detection in multichannel SAR framework2020/07/13English
Hybrid neighborhood and global replacement strategies for multi objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition2021/03/08English
Classify four imagined objects with EEG signals2021/03/08English
Distributed optimal dispatch of integrated electricity and natural gas system considering the pipeline storage characteristics2021/03/06English
Message broadcasting by opportunistic communication on unit disk graphs2018/11/21English
Location estimation of non-geo-tagged tweets2018/08/14English
Frequency offset estimation based on a combination of FFT and CZT for DP-QDB coherent receiver2019/10/04English
An on-line Pittsburgh LCS for the Three-Cornered Coevolution Framework2015/11/18English
An upper and lower CUSUM for signal normalization in the dendritic cell algorithm2016/04/20English
Foreword: special issue on evolutionary computer vision and pattern recognition2016/08/18English
Credibility-based fuzziness and incomplete information value in fuzzy programming2020/08/16English
Construction of cascaded depth model based on boosting feature selection and classification2020/04/30English
Unsupervised genetic programming based linkage rule (UGPLR) Miner for entity linking in semantic web2019/07/16English
Reducing the number of function evaluations in derivative-free algorithm for bound constrained optimization2019/12/21English
Adapted a novel similarity and its application in fuzzy risk analysis2019/09/27English
Estimation of spreading sequences in LC-DS-CDMA signals based on sparse auto-encoder2019/09/26English
Difficult first strategy GP: an inexpensive sampling technique to improve the performance of genetic programming2020/02/14English
Local transform directional pattern and optimization driven DBN for age estimation2020/02/22English
A hybrid EVSA approach in clustered search space with ad-hoc partitioning for multi-robot searching2020/02/12English
Uncertain inference network in evidential reasoning2020/10/09English
Hyper-parameter tuned deep Q network for area estimation of oil spills: a meta-heuristic approach2020/10/26English
Social Internet of Things: a novel selection approach for dynamic resources substitution2021/06/03English
Enhanced statistical nearest neighbors with steerable pyramid transform for Gaussian noise removal in a color image2021/06/06English
A new fission fusion behavior-based Rao algorithm (FFBBRA) for solving optimization problems2022/06/24English
Optimization for reinforcement learning based 3D animation exercise2022/07/02English
Optimal centroids model approach for many-feature data structure prediction2022/07/06English