Cold Regions Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A new interpolation method to resolve under-sampling of UAV-lidar snow depth observations in coniferous forests2024/04/01English
Probabilistic analysis of the thermal insulation length demand of tunnels in cold regions via the FEM-CFD coupled method2024/04/01English
Measuring snow microstructure and hardness using a high resolution penetrometer1999/12/01English
Coagulation of suspended sediments and ice crystals below leads2000/07/01English
Snow drift losses from an Arctic catchment on Spitsbergen: an additional process in the water balance2002/02/01English
A grain multiplication mechanism for the formation of transition zones in first year sea ice1995/08/01English
A statistical validation of the snowpack model in a Montana climate2001/12/01English
Nonsimultaneous crushing during edge indentation of freshwater ice sheets1998/06/01English
Snow densification during rain1999/12/01English
Radiation balance of urban snow: a water management perspective2001/10/01English
A Gibbs thermodynamic potential of sea ice1998/10/01English
A mathematical approach to modelling palsa formation: Insights on processes and growth conditions1995/05/01English
Avalanche hazard reduction for transportation corridors using real-time detection and alarms2002/02/01English
Albedo models for snow and ice on a freshwater lake1999/04/01English
Snow and ice reflectance spectra of the Nansen Ice Sheet surfaces1996/05/01English
Sea ice surface temperature in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica), from drifting buoy and AVHRR data2001/10/01English
Particle-in-cell and finite difference approaches for the study of marginal ice zone problems1998/08/01English
Evaluation model of permafrost thermal stability and thawing sensibility under engineering activity2002/02/01English
Multi-modal destabilization of a floating ice layer by wind stress2001/10/01English
Wet snow pendular regime: the amount of water in ring-shaped configurations1999/12/01English
Creep instability of the weak layer and natural slab avalanche triggerings2001/12/01English
Method for continuous measurement of ice cover thickness1995/08/01English
An evaluation of three numerical models used in simulations of the active layer and permafrost temperature regimes1997/12/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Development of a dynamic ice penetration model for runway de-icing products through performance experimental characterization2023/09/01English
Structural-equivalent mean recurrence intervals for NESC Rule 250B2023/11/01English
Climate-mine life cycle interactions for northern Canadian regions2023/04/01English
Numerical simulation of frost heaving damage of earth-rock dam berms in cold regions with thermo-hydro-mechanical couplingEnglish
Weather event characterization: a catalyst for improved spatial mapping and benefit quantification in winter road maintenanceEnglish
Spatial heterogeneity and temporal tendency of channeled snow avalanche activity retrieved from Landsat images in the maritime snow climate of the Parlung Tsangpo catchment, southeastern TibetEnglish