Applied Geography

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A relative spatial access assessment approach for analyzing potential spatial access to colorectal cancer services in Texas2012/03/01English128
Mapping of climate vulnerability of the coastal region of Bangladesh using principal component analysis2019/01/01English128
Predicting plausible impacts of sets of climate and land use change scenarios on water resources2012/03/01English127
‘Big data’ for pedestrian volume: Exploring the use of Google Street View images for pedestrian counts2015/09/01English127
Growing what you eat: Developing community gardens in Baltimore, Maryland2011/10/01English126
Factors influencing adoption and continued use of long-term soil and water conservation measures in five developing countries2008/10/01English125
Topodata: Brazilian full coverage refinement of SRTM data2012/03/01English123
A comparison of classification techniques to support land cover and land use analysis in tropical coastal zones2011/04/01English123
A global classification of river regimes1988/10/01English123
Livability for all? Conceptual limits and practical implications2014/05/01English121
What makes a species synurbic?2012/03/01English120
A framework for the development of the SERV model: A Spatially Explicit Resilience-Vulnerability model2014/07/01English120
Accidental, open and everywhere: Emerging data sources for the understanding of cities2014/05/01English120
Use of intensity analysis to link patterns with processes of land change from 1986 to 2007 in a coastal watershed of southeast China2012/05/01English119
New dimensions of urban landscapes: The spatio-temporal evolution from a polynuclei area to a mega-region based on remote sensing data2014/02/01English118
Using old military survey maps and orthophotograph maps to analyse long-term land cover changes – Case study (Czech Republic)2011/04/01English118
Crime seasonality and its variations across space2013/09/01English118
The retail site location decision process using GIS and the analytical hierarchy process2013/06/01English117
The (in)appropriateness of aggregating across crime types2012/11/01English116
‘Helping People Make Better Choices’: Exploring the behaviour change agenda for environmental sustainability2011/04/01English116
Adaptation as innovation, innovation as adaptation: An institutional approach to climate change2012/04/01English114
Modeling population density based on nighttime light images and land use data in China2018/01/01English114
Modelling inter-provincial migration in Burkina Faso, West Africa: the role of socio-demographic and environmental factors2003/04/01English113
Exploring the driving forces behind deforestation in the state of Mexico (Mexico) using geographically weighted regression2010/12/01English113
Rainwater-harvesting agriculture for food production in arid zones: the challenge of the African famine1986/01/01English113
Impact of the 2010–2011 La Niña phenomenon in Colombia, South America: The human toll of an extreme weather event2013/05/01English112
Landscape transformations in savannas of northern South America: Land use/cover changes since 1987 in the Llanos Orientales of Colombia2012/03/01English112
Using geolocated Twitter data to monitor the prevalence of healthy and unhealthy food references across the US2014/10/01English111
Mapping place values: 10 lessons from two decades of public participation GIS empirical research2020/03/01English110
Analyzing the agricultural transition in Mato Grosso, Brazil, using satellite-derived indices2012/03/01English110