Applied Geography

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Transformation of agricultural landscapes under rapid urbanization: A threat to sustainability in Hang-Jia-Hu region, China2011/04/01English229
Monitoring land cover change of the dryland forest landscape of Central Chile (1975–2008)2010/07/01English229
Biochar: Potential for countering land degradation and for improving agriculture2012/05/01English228
Impacts of land use and cover type on runoff and soil erosion in a marginal area of Portugal2011/04/01English227
Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping for the Basaltic aquifer of the Azraq basin of Jordan using GIS, Remote sensing and DRASTIC2003/10/01English224
Rapid surveillance of COVID-19 in the United States using a prospective space-time scan statistic: Detecting and evaluating emerging clusters2020/05/01English220
Identification of tourist hot spots based on social networks: A comparative analysis of European metropolises using photo-sharing services and GIS2015/09/01English217
Mapping rubber tree growth in mainland Southeast Asia using time-series MODIS 250 m NDVI and statistical data2012/03/01English208
Modeling urban expansion scenarios by coupling cellular automata model and system dynamic model in Beijing, China2006/10/01English205
Application of geographically weighted regression to the direct forecasting of transit ridership at station-level2012/05/01English203
Developing an applied extreme heat vulnerability index utilizing socioeconomic and environmental data2012/11/01English200
Measuring visual enclosure for street walkability: Using machine learning algorithms and Google Street View imagery2016/11/01English200
Land use dynamics, built-up land expansion patterns, and driving forces analysis of the fast-growing Hangzhou metropolitan area, eastern China (1978–2008)2012/05/01English197
Detecting spatially non-stationary and scale-dependent relationships between urban landscape fragmentation and related factors using Geographically Weighted Regression2011/01/01English194
The spatial-temporal hierarchy of regional inequality of China2010/07/01English192
Using Principal Component Analysis for information-rich socio-ecological vulnerability mapping in Southern Africa2012/11/01English191
Human activity impact on the heterogeneity of a Mediterranean landscape2010/07/01English189
Human thermal perception of Coastal Mediterranean outdoor urban environments2013/02/01English188
Mapping urban risk: Flood hazards, race, & environmental justice in New York2009/01/01English186
Spatial variation of the urban taxi ridership using GPS data2015/05/01English184
Comparison of methods for land-use classification incorporating remote sensing and GIS inputs2011/04/01English183
Assessing physical vulnerability for multi-hazards using an indicator-based methodology2012/03/01English183
Administrative hierarchy and urban land expansion in transitional China2015/01/01English180
Mapping recreation and ecotourism as a cultural ecosystem service: An application at the local level in Southern Chile2013/06/01English178
Measuring spatial accessibility to primary health care services: Utilising dynamic catchment sizes2014/10/01English177
Patterns and causes of uncertainty in the American Community Survey2014/01/01English170
Uncontrolled coal fires and their environmental impacts: Investigating two arid mining regions in north-central China2007/01/01English169
Land use changes modelling using advanced methods: Cellular automata and artificial neural networks. The spatial and explicit representation of land cover dynamics at the cross-border region scale2014/09/01English168
Multi-scale analysis of spatially varying relationships between agricultural landscape patterns and urbanization using geographically weighted regression2012/03/01English168
Temporal variability in transit-based accessibility to supermarkets2014/09/01English167