Southwestern Journal of Anthropology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Closed Corporate Peasant Communities in Mesoamerica and Central Java1957/04/01English219
Psychological Acculturation in a Tri-Ethnic Community1967/12/01English217
"To Give up on Words": Silence in Western Apache Culture1970/10/01English142
Analogy in Archaeological Interpretation1961/12/01English126
Cultures of the Central Highlands, New Guinea1954/04/01English122
An Analysis of Ritual Co-Parenthood (Compadrazgo)1950/12/01English113
On the Relationship between Size of Population and Complexity of Social Organization1967/10/01English109
The Relevance of Carnivore Behavior to the Study of Early Hominids1969/12/01English97
Hanunóo Color Categories1955/12/01English94
Monument Building: Some Field Experiments1965/12/01English85
Referential Ambiguity in the Calculus of Brazilian Racial Identity1970/04/01English84
Brachiation: The Crucial Issue for Man's Ancestry1962/07/01English82
Residence Rules1956/04/01English74
Stages and Periods in Archaeological Interpretation1962/04/01English66
The Potlatch System of the Southern Kwakiutl: A New Perspective1965/10/01English59
Father's Brother's Daughter Marriage in Kurdistan1954/07/01English59
Family Firms and Economic Development1968/04/01English54
Roots and the Subsistence of the Ancient Maya1966/10/01English53
The Inca Occupation of the South Coast of Peru1959/07/01English51
Some Comments on Historical versus Processual Archaeology1968/10/01English51
Pleistocene Glacial Ecology and the Evolution of "Classic Neandertal" Man1952/12/01English50
Living Archaeology: The Ngatatjara of Western Australia1968/07/01English50
Scale Analysis as an Instrument for the Study of Cultural Evolution1962/07/01English48
Population Pressure and the Social Evolution of Agriculturalists1970/04/01English47
The Collapse of Maya Civilization in the Southern Lowlands: A Consideration of History and Process1967/12/01English45
A Prehistoric Community in Eastern Arizona1966/04/01English43
A Model of Ancient Community Structure in the Maya Lowlands1965/07/01English43
Culture Structure and Process: The Occurrence and Disappearance of Reciprocal Farm Labor1956/12/01English42
Household Size of Prehistoric Western Pueblo Indians1966/07/01English41
A Wooden Spear of Third Interglacial Age from Lower Saxony1950/07/01English40