Physical Review E

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Clusters, asters, and collective oscillations in chemotactic colloids2014/06/26English22
Ergodic properties of fractional Brownian-Langevin motion2009/01/13English22
Pore-network extraction from micro-computerized-tomography images2009/09/14English22
Universal back-projection algorithm for photoacoustic computed tomography2005/01/19English21
Hard-disk equation of state: First-order liquid-hexatic transition in two dimensions with three simulation methods2013/04/30English21
World-trade web: Topological properties, dynamics, and evolution2009/03/27English21
Structural vulnerability of the North American power grid2004/02/26English21
Inhomogeneous backflow transformations in quantum Monte Carlo calculations2006/12/19English21
Wetting condition in diffuse interface simulations of contact line motion2007/04/27English21
Topological analysis of polymeric melts: Chain-length effects and fast-converging estimators for entanglement length2009/09/29English20
Extracting the Green’s function from the correlation of coda waves: A derivation based on stationary phase2004/04/29English20
Modeling elastic and plastic deformations in nonequilibrium processing using phase field crystals2004/11/19English20
Bipartite network projection and personal recommendation2007/10/25English20
Worm algorithm and diagrammatic Monte Carlo: A new approach to continuous-space path integral Monte Carlo simulations2006/09/01English20
Dynamics of crowd disasters: An empirical study2007/04/18English20
Optimal first-arrival times in Lévy flights with resetting2015/11/19English19
Stochastic blockmodels and community structure in networks2011/01/21English19
Tunable generic model for fluid bilayer membranes2005/07/26English19
Quantum thermodynamic cycles and quantum heat engines2007/09/07English19
Rheophysics of dense granular materials: Discrete simulation of plane shear flows2005/08/31English19
Amorphous systems in athermal, quasistatic shear2006/07/25English19
Double-negative acoustic metamaterial2004/11/18English19
Simple swimmer at low Reynolds number: Three linked spheres2004/06/16English19
Mean square displacement analysis of single-particle trajectories with localization error: Brownian motion in an isotropic medium2010/10/20English19
First passages in bounded domains: When is the mean first passage time meaningful?2012/09/27English19
Equation of motion for coarse-grained simulation based on microscopic description2007/05/11English19
Theory for long memory in supply and demand2005/06/22English19
Steric effects in the dynamics of electrolytes at large applied voltages. I. Double-layer charging2007/02/16English19
Steric effects in the dynamics of electrolytes at large applied voltages. II. Modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations2007/02/16English18
Generalizations of the clustering coefficient to weighted complex networks2007/02/23English18