IEMOCAP: interactive emotional dyadic motion capture database | 2008/11/05 | English | 840 |
Annotating Expressions of Opinions and Emotions in Language | 2005/05/01 | English | 334 |
The WaCky wide web: a collection of very large linguistically processed web-crawled corpora | 2009/02/10 | English | 263 |
A multidimensional approach for detecting irony in Twitter | 2012/07/24 | English | 107 |
The TORGO database of acoustic and articulatory speech from speakers with dysarthria | 2011/03/26 | English | 93 |
Resources and benchmark corpora for hate speech detection: a systematic review | 2020/09/30 | English | 83 |
A large-scale classification of English verbs | 2007/12/12 | English | 78 |
Balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese | 2013/12/29 | English | 78 |
The ACL anthology network corpus | 2013/01/06 | English | 68 |
Authorship attribution in the wild | 2010/01/13 | English | 67 |
Lexical association measures and collocation extraction | 2009/10/21 | English | 61 |
Unleashing the killer corpus: experiences in creating the multi-everything AMI Meeting Corpus | 2007/10/10 | English | 59 |
Cross-language plagiarism detection | 2010/01/30 | English | 55 |
Comparative evaluation of text classification techniques using a large diverse Arabic dataset | 2013/03/10 | English | 53 |
The MUMIN coding scheme for the annotation of feedback, turn management and sequencing phenomena | 2007/12/01 | English | 48 |
What’s missing in geographical parsing? | 2017/03/07 | English | 47 |
Lightweight methods to estimate influenza rates and alcohol sales volume from Twitter messages | 2012/05/13 | English | 44 |
FactBank: a corpus annotated with event factuality | 2009/05/07 | English | 43 |
Developing a corpus of plagiarised short answers | 2010/01/16 | English | 42 |
MedSTS: a resource for clinical semantic textual similarity | 2018/10/24 | English | 41 |
Annotating expressions of Appraisal in English | 2010/12/12 | English | 40 |
Automatic keyphrase extraction from scientific articles | 2012/12/18 | English | 39 |
Language resources for Hebrew | 2007/12/13 | English | 38 |
A massively parallel corpus: the Bible in 100 languages | 2014/11/19 | English | 36 |
Multilingual and cross-domain temporal tagging | 2012/05/08 | English | 35 |
SentiTurkNet: a Turkish polarity lexicon for sentiment analysis | 2015/06/20 | English | 34 |
Intrinsic plagiarism analysis | 2010/01/20 | English | 34 |
Steven Bird, Ewan Klein and Edward Loper: Natural Language Processing with Python, Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit | 2010/05/27 | English | 33 |
ELRA – European Language Resources Association-Background, Recent Developments and Future Perspectives | 2005/02/01 | English | 32 |
Perspectives on crowdsourcing annotations for natural language processing | 2012/03/16 | English | 31 |