Journal of Combinatorial Optimization

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Retraction Note: Expression recognition algorithm based on MDS-HOG feature optimization and differential weights2024/04/01English
An exact borderline between the NP-hard and polynomial-time solvable cases of flow shop scheduling with job-dependent storage requirements2024/04/01English
Randomized approximation schemes for minimizing the weighted makespan on identical parallel machines2024/03/31English
Selecting intervals to optimize the design of observational studies subject to fine balance constraints2024/03/31English
Retraction Note: Research on shale gas productivity prediction method based on optimization algorithm2024/04/01English
Online car-sharing problem with variable booking times2024/03/30English
Retraction Note: The Sachs theorem and its application on extended adjacency matrix of graphs2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: Alternating-direction-method-of-multipliers-based fast model predictive control for an aerial trees-pruning robot2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: Cost-optimized data placement strategy for social network with security awareness in edge-cloud computing environment2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: International market risk, monetary policy stance, and corporate financing: China’s economic recovery in the post-pandemic era2024/04/01English
Minimizing the expense transmission time from the source node to demand nodes2024/04/01English
n-fold L(2, 1)-labelings of Cartesian product of paths and cycles2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: A Bayesian analysis based on multivariate stochastic volatility model: evidence from green stocks2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: Enhanced post-quantum key escrow system for supervised data conflict of interest based on consortium blockchain2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: Sound absorption performance of EPDM-based textile composites investigated through the transfer matrix model2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: A novel dynamic en-route and slot allocation method based on receding horizon control2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: AISAS model-based statistical analysis for intelligent eldercare products consumption research2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: On Aα-spectrum of a unicyclic graph2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: Identifying vital nodes in hypernetwork based on local centrality2024/04/01English
Retraction Note: Combinatorial optimization analysis of the production process of C4 olefins from ethanol based on the PSO–BP algorithm2024/04/01English
A tight max-flow min-cut duality theorem for nonlinear multicommodity flows2024/04/11English
Retraction Note: Analysis of modern circulation industry development level using industrial structure mechanism2024/04/01English
Methods for determining cycles of a specific length in undirected graphs with edge weights2023/11/19English
Retraction Note: Premium rate making of jujube revenue insurance in Xinjiang Aksu Region based on the mixed Copula-stochastic optimization model2024/03/26English
Retraction Note: Design of extended dense coding protocol strategy based on combinatorial optimization2024/03/25English
Retraction Note: The mechanism and test of the impact of environmental regulation and technological innovation on high quality development2024/03/25English
On list (p, 1)-total labellings of special planar graphs and 1-planar graphs2024/03/13English
Retraction Note: Capacitance pin defect detection based on deep learning2024/03/27English
Retraction Note: ARX and ARMAX modelling of SBCNC-60 machine for surface roughness and MRR with optimization of system response using PSO2024/03/27English
Retraction Note: Algorithm research on the influence of financing structure and cash holding on enterprise innovation based on system GMM model function theory2024/03/18English