Journal of Immunological Methods

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Measurement of cell numbers by means of the endogenous enzyme hexosaminidase. Applications to detection of lymphokines and cell surface antigens1984/03/01English496
Comparison of in vitro cell cytotoxic assays for tumor necrosis factor1984/03/01English495
A tetrazolium-based colorimetric MTT assay to quantitate human monocyte mediated cytotoxicity against leukemic cells from cell lines and patients with acute myeloid leukemia1994/09/01English491
Measurement of monoclonal antibody affinity by non-competitive enzyme immunoassay1987/06/01English484
Detection of monoclonal antibodies specific for carbohydrate epitopes using periodate oxidation1985/04/01English471
Single-step separation of red blood cells, granulocytes and mononuclear leukocytes on discontinuous density gradients of Ficoll-Hypaque1974/08/01English469
Conjugation of antibodies with fluorochromes: Modifications to the standard methods1976/12/01English462
Recommendations for the design and optimization of immunoassays used in the detection of host antibodies against biotechnology products2004/06/01English440
An improved immunomagnetic procedure for the isolation of highly purified human blood eosinophils1991/12/01English435
Determination of arginase activity in macrophages: a micromethod1994/09/01English424
A simple, non-chromatographic procedure to purify immunoglobulins from serum and ascites fluid1987/02/01English420
An improved rosetting assay for detection of human T lymphocytes1974/07/01English418
Immunospecific ferromagnetic iron-dextran reagents for the labeling and magnetic separation of cells1982/08/01English405
Antibody production by hybridomas1980/12/01English393
Separation of mouse spleen cells by passage through columns of sephadex G-101974/08/01English393
The fundamental flaws of immunoassays and potential solutions using tandem mass spectrometry2009/08/01English386
Optimal conditions for simultaneous purification of mononuclear and polymorphonuclear leucocytes from human blood by the hypaque-ficoll method1980/08/01English365
A solid-phase immunoenzymatic technique for the enumeration of specific antibody-secreting cells1983/02/01English353
Optimization and validation of the TZM-bl assay for standardized assessments of neutralizing antibodies against HIV-12014/07/01English353
Mouse lymphocytes with and without surface immunoglobulin: Preparative scale separation in polystyrene tissue culture dishes coated with specifically purified anti-immunoglobulin1977/03/01English351
Tracking human antigen-specific memory B cells: a sensitive and generalized ELISPOT system2004/03/01English347
The use of tween 20 as a blocking agent in the immunological detection of proteins transferred to nitrocellulose membranes1982/12/01English340
Reverse ELISPOT assay for clonal analysis of cytokine production I. Enumeration of gamma-interferon-secreting cells1988/05/01English337
Comparative analysis of the efficiency and specificity of myeloid-Cre deleting strains using ROSA-EYFP reporter mice2014/06/01English331
Optimization of the ligature-induced periodontitis model in mice2013/08/01English326
Pretreatment of plastic petri dishes with fetal calf serum. A simple method for macrophage isolation1979/08/01English322
A robust, high-throughput assay to determine the phagocytic activity of clinical antibody samples2011/03/01English321
Analyses and comparisons of telomerase activity and telomere length in human T and B cells: Insights for epidemiology of telomere maintenance2010/01/01English314
Isolation of biologically-active exosomes from human plasma2014/09/01English306
A two-site monoclonal antibody ELISA for the quantification of the major Dermatophagoides spp. allergens, Der p I and Der f I1989/03/01English303