Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Simple and rapid detection of liver cirrhosis in children by tracking serum IgA/transferrin ratio2011/01/011
ATM: awakening the guardian angel or drugging the -absolute tailor master-2011/01/011
Fusion transcripts: hopes and pitfalls in tranquilizing the trouble mongers in prostate cancer2011/01/011
Characterization of polyphenolic constituents and radical scavenging ability of ripe tomato and red pepper fruits2015/01/011
Ozone applications in dentistry: an overview2013/01/011
Ameliorative effect of vitamin C and E on hematological alterations induced by chlorpyrifos alone and in conjunction with fluoride in Wistar rats2013/01/011
The inhibition of gastric mucosal injury by <i>Chinnodbhavadi kwath</i> (decoction) - an Indian Ayurvedic formulation in rats2013/01/011
Post stroke rehabilitation based on SMART goals: a case study2014/01/011
To drain or not to drain in perforated peptic ulcer2012/01/01
JEIM from 2011 to 2012: success in the first year of publication promises a valued source for science in near future2012/01/01
Optimization of intermittent hyperbaric oxygen exposures by duration of oxygen cycles2012/01/01
Cold, calcium and hypertension; is there a relationship between them?2011/01/01
Design of aspirin formulation for rapid pain relief2011/01/01
From cell to system, from mechanism to disease2011/01/01
Clinical success of lysine in association with serumal and salivary presence of HSV-1 in patients with recurrent aphthous ulceration2011/01/01
Protective effect of Ipomoea carnea Jacq leaves extracts on streptozotocin-induced oxidative stress in rats2015/01/01
Starting the fifth year of publication: switching from road to highway2015/01/01
The effects of Vigna unguiculata on aortic endothelial cells, endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression, lipid profile, and atherosclerosis in ovariectomized rats2014/01/01
Long term alterations of blood plasma albumin in Chernobyl clean-up workers2014/01/01
Transcutaneous oximetry but not arterial toe blood pressure or ankle-brachial index is related to macular thickness in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers2013/01/01
Structural changes in mature rat thymus under the systematic exposure to +Gx acceleration and Glutarginum2013/01/01
2013: Starting a new publication year and new volume with a new issue of our young but promising Journal2013/01/01
Effects of the McKenzie protocol on pregnancy- related back pain2016/01/01
in-vitro stability and aggregatory effect of ethanol extract leaves of Sida acuta Burm F. on human erythrocyte.2016/01/01
Impact of anemia on erythropoietin and erythropoietin receptor expression: correlation with the proliferation of breast cancer cells2013/01/01
Evaluation of perceived pain with various length insulin needles with correlates2013/01/01
Neuropathies of spinal cord development in rat pups maternally fed with fried potato chips2013/01/01
Effect of methanolic extract of Physalis minima on gastric inflammation and gastric ulcers formation2013/01/01
PARP-1 expression against Epstein-Barr virus LMP-1 and BZLF-1 in undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma2013/01/01
Cosmological dark matter and ensoulment2013/01/01